CHAPTER 16 - Heartache

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Mathias stood where he decided to bury her, not in the tombs where his entire family was, a dark and dreary place, but instead in his mother's unique garden, surrounded by the most beautiful of flowers, just like she was. Beside her was her brother, her stillborn brother. He then thought of Eloise's words, saying that Lona wouldn't have to go through life alone, and now he realized that it wasn't life she was not meant to go through alone, but death.

His eyes close when Eloise collapsed next to him. He didn't have the energy, nor the strength at that moment to support her without breaking himself, so he let Axel grab her, holding her from falling, but letting her get to the ground when she begged him to let her go, falling over her daughter's casket and weeping. He couldn't do it. He couldn't stand there and watch them bury the light of his life. Her death broke his heart, but this was even more torturous, knowing it was her final resting place, where she'd go and never return. Head held high, he turned around and the sea of people that Lona managed to capture the hearts of, gathered behind him, parting as he walked through them.

He let a breath leave him when he was on his throne, in the empty throne room. It felt dull. The entire castle was a dark hole, the life sucked out of it. He was hanging on. He was hanging on so tightly, when he wanted nothing more than to let go. He hadn't realized how long he sat there, not until the doors to the throne room opened, his soldiers marching in, filling the hall before Axel walked up to him, leaning over him before he whispered in his ear, "Andries is here."

Mathias felt rage. Anger like never before filled him. Boiled within him. He blamed him. And for the past week, as he planned his daughter's funeral, while his council sent out word of the heir to the throne's death, he blamed him even more. The thought made him filled with hate. Detest and resentment towards his only brother. His traitorous brother. Who else would kill his daughter? Who else wanted to break him enough to weaken him? He stood up, stepping around Axel and down the dais, his glare sharp and full of loathing. When his brother walked in with pride, his own men surrounding him, it made his outrage even that more unbearable. Made him want to kill his brother, a thought he'd never had before the day his daughter died.

"You dare show your face?" Mathias spat, his rage clear in his voice.

"Mathias." Andries said, his features unreadable.

"Did you come to pour salt on the wound? To gloat?" Mathias demanded, "If I ever had an ounce of a doubt of your motives, it has all cleared now, traitor." Mathias almost growled, "If you are here for forgiveness, you better think again. I will kill you for this. Trust me, I will kill you for what you did." He said, hand on the hilt of his sword.

Andries held his hand up, and his men stopped following him, and when he was close, he said, "I need a word."

"I have no words for you." Mathias spat.

"You wish to kill me?" Andries questioned, and the glare he received answered his question. "Dismiss your men, Mathias."

"Like hell." Mathias said.

Andries lifted his hand again, waving it backwards before dropping it, and with that his men turned around, leaving the throne room. "Dismiss them, brother."

"You are no brother of mine." Mathias stated.

Axel's hand gripped Mathias's when he saw him reach for his dagger instead of his sword. Mathias turned to him, about to yell at him, but saw that Axel's eyes were on Andries, seeming to be studying him. Mathias took in another deep breath, trying to calm himself before he muttered, "Axel." Axel's hand tightened, nodding. Mathias let his hand drop from his dagger, turning back to his brother before he announced, "Out! All of you!" The soldiers looked at their king doubtfully, but then his voice boomed, saying ominously, "If I have to repeat myself, the lot of you will be flogged."

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