Broken soul 💔- last part

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6200+ words.

Give lots of responses guys. I took a lot times writing the chapter.

Pervious part of this os response wasn't good at all.

At least appreciate my hard work I have put for this os.

A girl was all curled up in her room. A loud thunder storm made her shiver. She fisted the bedsheet and starts yelling names out. Tears rolled down her cheeks continuously. She wasn't in her conscious.

She threw her legs up in the air and yelled loudly as she heard another thunder along with lighting..her breath start getting uneven..

The weather didn't stop pouring down and killing poor soul from out and inside. The girl was completely broken down and vulnerable hearing the loud thunderstorms with lighting.. she sat up all curled up on the bed.

She sobbed loudly as she couldn't bare the pain was coming front of her vision.. she sobbed loudly till there was loud knock on the door..

Soon as she heard the knock she got alerted and moved backwards banging her head to headboard... the knock got louder but this time someone's broken voice was heard too..

The girl hearing the broken voice tried calming herself but couldn't as another loud lightning was loud making her shiver..

The person who was standing other side of the room palming her mouth with left hand cried while trying to unlock the door..

The women in age 50s finally managed to unlock the door.. she pushed the door only to found darkness around her. She immediately rushed to bed and softly yet brokenly spoke..

Women: bacha.... bacha.. calm down... bacha come here.. bacha I'm here.. calm down.

The lady tried calming the girl down but it didn't work. The lady didn't give up but continued calming her down. The thunderstorm also calmed down...

An hour later the lady managed calming the girl down once the girl lost all her sense. She fainted onto lady lap making the lady gasp. The lady tapped the girl cheeks few times..

The lady wiped the tears off the girl's face and kissed her forehead lightly. A tear rolled down the lady eyes falling down on the girl's face..

The lady emotionless stared the girl who was clutching her hand tightly. A cold chilled air passed to the girl's body making her shiver.

The lady noticed the window open. The lady carefully holding girl's head placed it on pillow and got up moving to widow to shut them down..

The lady closed the window and closed the curtains too. She walked back to bed and saw the girl face paled.. tears stained on her both cheeks.. the lady kept staring the girl till she heard some mere whispers.. she bends down and heard the girl saying...

" don't.... come... near me.."

" noo...... maaa papa.....

Her whisper broke the lady's heart. The lady bitting her lips bending down kissed the girl's forehead and covered her with duvet..

The lady moving to the door closed the door and corns back inside the room only to settle down on the couch..

The lady gaze on the bed and unwillingly she slept in sitting position.

Next morning the sun tried peeing into the girl's the sun fell on her face she strife in sleep and rubbing her eyes sat up on the bed.. she held her head soon as her she felt something throbbing her head.. she roamed her eyes around the room and tried recalling what happened last night..

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