Rang mahal- last part

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Neil failing to arrest Ragini pandit was making him angry and helpless. He palmed his face and tried to think something when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and saw Neela there.

Neela : Neil don't be dishearten! We will find avni.

Neil : how maa? That pandit cleverly played another game. How should I save avni from the hell? How?

Neela : I need to tell you something Neil! There is someone who can help us out sneaking into rang mahal.

Neil : who maa?

Neela : ............

Neil's eyes widen hearing Neela but knew he had to accept this way if he wanted to save his Avni.

Neil : I know what to do next Neela maa! I just need to confirm myself what I am thinking is true.

Neela : I know Neil! I was fool to believe.. I didn't knew till now. We have to do something quickly.

Neil nodded his head and stood to leave but stopped seeing dd with others officer. Neil was delighted when he found they were going to help him in the mission.

In rang mahal all the girls were asked to dress so was avni. Ballu comes to the room where Avni was staying. He looks at her and found still in same clothes.

He marched to her.

Ballu : I don't have whole time for you to wait. Get ready quickly.

Avni didn't move or said anything but was lost in her deep thought. Soon as ballu left the room avni sighed and picking up the dress got up to change.

Avni comes back after wearing the dress sat back on the chair into front the mirror when the door flung opens. She diverted her gaze at the door and saw ragini pandit, Juhi and dayavnti.

They walk near avni and ragini pandit looks at Avni's beauty.

Ragini : get her ready.

She said to Juhi who nodding her head helped avni get ready. Dayavnti passed a comment to Avni before leaving the room with ragini.

All the men's were gathered in rang mahal and waiting for the girls who were going to be sold today to them. Ragini pandit sat on her swing with dayavnti and watched the dance of the girls with others men's who was gazing the girls with dirty and lust eyes.

Avni was last one to perform. She was dancing while remembering her moments with Neil. She didn't acknowledge those men's giving her lusty looks as she was remembering best moments of her life. She ended her dance and went back to room,

Meanwhile Neil and his team entered in the mansion( similar like the show) they all were hearing what was ragini men's were saying. Neil took his gun out and taking the right opportunity comes out of the ravan puppet and starts going inside the mansion..

Inside the rang mahal avni and others girls made ballu unconscious.

Avni : Juhi take all the girls out with you by the truck. I'll go and get Ali with me. I'll met you there.

Juhi nodded her head went out of the room with all the girls leaving Avni there alone. Avni glances unconscious ballu before stepping out of the room to find Ali.

Whereas ragini pandit and dayavnti found Neil and his team has entered into rang mahal. They got startled and starts looking for the girls who wasn't seen in the rang mahal. Ragini was getting hyped knowing all the girls escaped. She couldn't let that happen especially Juhi who is consider as Meher.

They both ladies starts looking for the girls meanwhile avni starts looking for Ali in the corridor covering herself with shawl. She stopped as she felt someone near her. She turns around as the shawl dropped off her head.. she smiled brightly as she saw Neil.. they both stared at each o her before engulfing themselves into tight a hug.

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