A second chance

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Life is not always giving second chance but some are lucky to have the chance..

A lady was sitting in her room and gazing at photo frame when someone comes and puts hands on her.. a lady wiped her tears before she turned.

Lady : Bebe when did you come back?

Bebe : just a hour ago! You don't need to hide your tears Avni.

Avni : Bebe what you saying? I wasn't crying!

Bebe : I know you more than yourself. Don't lie to me..

Avni looked down knowing she hasn't have word to say..

Bebe :Avni i came to call you for dinner.

Avni shot her eye up.

Avni : Bebe I'm not hungry!

Bebe sat beside her and takes photo frame from avni's hand and stare the picture.

Bebe : I miss him too. We are incomplete without him.. he is our life Avni... I can understand your pain Avni.. you knew when he arrested you I thought he was wrong but he did to protect you.. that day was worst for us.. Avni I know seeing him this condition kills but if he was with us he wouldn't be happy seeing you like this.. not for us but for Neil have something... I know since he is coma you have stop eating or drinking.. it's going to affect your health too.. Avni it's not easy but for Neil you can try..

Bebe got tears in her owns talking about Neil while Avni was looking down controlling her tears.. Bebe patted her heads.

Bebe : I'm waiting for you. Come!

Avni gave slight nod. Bebe kept the frame back and left the room. As Bebe left Avni took Neil's photo and starts crying..

Bebe comes down and saw Swetha, Prakash and Neela sitting in hall.. Bebe walks to them..

Bebe : Avni is coming.

Swetha : Bebe I'm going to hospital!

Bebe : no need, I have already visited Neil before coming..

Swetha nods when her eye fell Avni who was coming down. Avni reached to Them..

Neela : Avni come sit!

Avni : maa I'll come back!

Neela : where you going?

Avni : I need to visit office!

Prakash : Avni why this late? I'll handle in office tomorrow morning. It's too late..

Avni : papa please let me go!

Avni looks at Bebe for help. Bebe gave nod.

Bebe : sunny let me her. I'll accompany her.

Neela : but Bebe!

Bebe : Neela I'm going with Avni. She will be fine!

Neela nods. Avni thanked Bebe who gave her smile.

Bebe : let's go Avni!

Avni nods and starts moving. Avni followed Bebe. Avni sat in car and looked at Bebe..

Avni : Bebe you didn't had to come with me!

Bebe : I know but how can leave my daughter alone when she needs to face her husband.. I know you can't handle yourself seeing him lying on hospital bed..

Avni was shocked to hear all this as she never told anyone she meets Neil during night time.. seeing Avni shock face Bebe cleared..

Bebe : once I saw you sneaking out so from that day I have starts following and found you meet Neil and cry hugging..

Avni eyes welled up remembering it. Bebe wiped her tears..

Bebe : don't cry! He won't be happy seeing you crying.

Avni tried giving her smile but she failed..

Bebe : give me real smile..

Avni smiled bit and Starts driving to hospital..

Avni parked the car front of hospital. Bebe and Avni got out and looked at each other.. Avni held her saree pallu tightly.. Bebe didn't noticed that.

Bebe : Avni you should visit Neil I'll wait here..

Avni : Bebe you come too!

Bebe : no you go! I'll be here!

Avni nods and starts moving inside.. seeing Avni receptionist smiled as she always see Avni at this time.. she always prayed for Avni and Neil.. in this short time she got close to Avni. Avni smiled at her and moved to Neil's room.

She opened the door and saw her Life lying down there.. she taking her steps sat beside him and kissed his forehead..

Avni : how long you going to punish me Neil.. how long? Why did you didn't let me Die.. why you came there.. it's been 7 months since you left me leaving me as lifeless.. why didn't you take me with you.. I can't live without you.. I'm guilty not trusting you Neil.. why you didn't tell this before.. why... please come back.. not for me but our family... they want you back Neil... I know you haven't forgiven me that why you don't want to wake up but please seeing you I die every moment... Neil come back for me... wake up Neil... I'm dying seeing you....

She hugged and cried when she heard weak voice.. she moved from Neil and saw him opening his eye... tears brimmed seeing him opening his eye...

She again hugged him tightly and Starts crying when she felt Neil's arms wrapped around her...

Neil : av......ni.... av....

Avni didn't leave but kept her hold tight and cried more... today no one could stop her tears..

Neil again called her but her eyes went deaf.. she couldn't think he actually was calling her....

Avni was still hugging.

Avni : don't... leave... me..

She said against his chest..

Neil : Av...... ni....

Avni finally lifted her head and looked at him.. before she could say anything she felt his lips on hers... she was shocked but responded... it was soft one.. Neil kissed to show he won't leave her again... it was insuring kiss for her to show he's there for her...

Neil broke hug and looked at her...

Neil : Avni... I.... won't...

Avni again stopped by hugging Neil again..

Avni : I.... love you.... don't do this again to me... please... i was dying seeing you here... Neil

Neil : Avni..... Listen to me...

Avni tilted her head and looked at him..

Neil : I won't leave you Avni... I'm back for you only.. I only love you....

Avni smiled in her tears and hugged him again and Humbled love you too.. Neil smiled at her...

anchalsaini06 sorry for so late and thank you for waiting patiently.. hope you like it...

I know its short but this was requested to write second part..

Do read pervious shot before reading this one..

Thank you hope you all enjoy it..

Do check out my new story called twisted tales along with Littlesweet_05 you have already seen prologue on her account.. I have posted on my account too...

And do check it my others stories too..

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