10 years later - part 1

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Majority of you wanted me to write os so here I am. This os is based on 10 years leap.  Also I'm writing this os as Uriddhi3190 requested littlesweet_05 but she couldn't continue so I'll continue here writing os instead writing short book.

Before going ahead let me clear you all some points.

* this os is start from 10 years leap.

* before the leap Neela didn't die but her character will be mystery till next part hopefully.

* khanna family thinks Neela died once she was taken to hospital.

* Neela is alive but unknown to world expect two people who will be revealed in further parts.

* vidyut is alive so is mishti who stays with vidyut's caretaker.

* khanna family is still grieving over Neela and Avni's death unaware of full entire truth.

* Neil's character isn't same like it was in the show. He is also mystery character.

* Ali is also present after the leap.

* no mithali drama is going to happen.

* this os will be twist and turns till end.

*avni's death is same like the show but with twist which will be revealed in the further parts.

I hope you all will enjoy the os written by me and collaboration with @littlesweet_05 and Ishqezain1805


In Australia, in a mansion.

The  mansion heard soulful voice. All the butters joined their madam who was doing the early morning Pooja. Despite living aboard she hasn't forgotten her Indian traditions. All thanks to her family who gave her good upbringing..

All the butlers closed their eyes and folded their hands together and prayed standing behind to their madam. Not every butler is Indian but also Christian who starts attending the early morning Pooja which was done by their madam just to them feel happy...

The Pooja got over making the lady turns her around.. she gave her beautiful smile to all the butlers making them returning the smile back... she starts walking to them picking the parsad plate and starts giving it out.

All the butlers took it and had it. She kept the plate back and looks at them.

She : good morning all of you.

All the butlers wished her back and starts leaving back to their work but one of them stopped and smiles.

Butler : avni beta what should I make for breakfast today?

Avni  looks at the butler.

Avni : make something light.. I'm going to make them up then I'll help you out.

The butler nodding her head went to kitchen whereas avni starts climbing the stairs to her room.

She pushing the door enters inside only to gasp seeing the room mess.. pillows kissing the floor . Duvet thrown other side of bed.. and the room was completely empty making her sigh. Her eyes starts teared up seeing the being mess.

It didn't took her any minute to realise what just might happened before she walked into the room... she stood beside her room before pushing the door.. she took deep breath and held the door handle turning it around.

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