Avni ❤️vs chuhi🐀 2

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Doctor was checking the girl while every family was surrounded by the girl expect avni..... Neil was looking at the girl but his family was gazing at him..... doctor gave finally look and moved Away then looked at Neil....

Doctor : who is she?

Neil : Doctor... she is my friend.... is she okay...

Doctor : she is fine.... just lack of energy... once she wakes up give her some food to eat... she will be up anytime.... I will leave now... nothing to worry....

Neil : thanks doctor... I will drop you till your car....

Doctor nods.... Neil went to behind doctor while the girl opened her eyes and looked around..... Bebe was least interested in this....

Bebe : who are you? I mean......

The girl looked at Bebe....

Girl : Neil.....

Bebe : what Neil..... your name Neil.... but that's my grandson name......

Prakash looked at Bebe signing her to stop....

Bebe : what's your name miss.....

Girl : Juhi.....

Bebe : Chuhi...... you mean...... little mouse.....

Bebe said while glaring juhi.... Juhi looked at Bebe then at swetha as she recognised swetha.....

Juhi : aunty.......

Bebe and Prakash shared look then looked at Juhi....

Swetha : Juhi beta what do you want to eat.....

Bebe : swetha why you asking her..... just get food for her.....

Swetha nods knowing Bebe and walked to kitten while Bebe was glaring Juhi.....

Bebe : why are you here? And how does Neil know you.....

Before Juhi could reply Neil himself comes there and looked at his family then Juhi.....

Neil being concerned asked Juhi about her health....

Neil : how are you feeling now?

Juhi : better.....

Bebe : Neil I am asking you last time who is she? And what is she doing here?

Neil : Bebe I will explain you later.... please....

Bebe quietly left the hall not before giving angry glare to Juhi..... Neil looked at Prakash....

Neil : dad....

Prakash: I am not saying anything doesn't mean I am happy seeing her Here.... whoever she is... I don't care but if anything happens to this family then you will see worst of me.....

He too left hall..... Neil looked down when he heard swetha voice.... he looked up and saw bringing food for Juhi..... swetha handed the plate to Neil and left back to kitchen....

Neil took the plate and kept on sofa beside Juhi....

Neil : have your food....

He stood to leave but stopped as he felt someone holding his hand.... he turned and saw Juhi holding his hand....

Neil : leave my hand....

Juhi : Neil.....

Neil : please Juhi..... leave my hand.... I don't want to talk to you....

Juhi : Neil please listen to me once....

Neil jerked his hand and left the house.... while in AvNeil's room avni was crying holding her knees close to her chest.... she was crying when someone kept hand on her shoulder... she looked up and saw Bebe.... seeing Bebe there she hugged her tightly and starts crying.... Bebe was caressing her hair and rubbing her back at the same time......

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