Jealous neil

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Avneil were in Their honeymoon. Today is another day where both decided to have tour around Dubai. Both were still sleeping. Neil was holding Avni from her waist and Avni had her hand around him and head near his chest.

Neil sleep broke due to sunlight. He opened his eyes only to see his wife sleeping with cute pout. He smiled and bend to kiss. After admiring her decided to wake her up. He slowly crease her hair and whispered to her.

Neil : Avni wake up!
But it's looks like she still wants sleep so moved more close to him. Neil tried once again.

Neil : Avni wake up. Don't you wanna enjoy Dubai or shall I go with someone else.

Hearing this she jerked and pulls him from collar and said.

Avni : don't be dare to think about any one when you have me!
Neil smiled kissed her forward.

Neil : only yours! Now fresh up.

Avni went to fresh up while Neil made call to room service for their breakfast.

After freshing up Avni came out and saw Neil on his Phone. Avni smiled at herself and went to her dressing table.
She was getting ready when she felts two arms around her waist, she didn't even moved because she knows who would be. Neil puts his face in her shoulder and takes Avni fragrance in. He was smiling to himself too. Avni noticed this.

Avni : why are you smiling to yourself.

This is time he stopped smiling and looked at her.

Neil : I was thinking about how collage life. I mean how meet.

Avni smiled and then she remembered something so she asked him.

Avni : if you remembering our moments then I am sure you must remember Ajay , Right!

Neil become more possessive when Avni talks about other men or any male
Guy. He tightened his grip on her.

Neil : don't make me remember that dog! You should at least Made better friend.

Avni: shut up! Move now.

Neil didn't even move bit.avni tried to
Move him but fails to do it.

Avni : Neil let' go out!

Neil : no! I wanna stay with you!

Avni : at night do what you want but now let's go!

Neil has smirked and hugged her even more.

Neil : can I do whatever I want!

Avni : yes you can not get off me!

Neil immediately left her but not before giving her long kissed on avni's cheek and ran to washroom. Avni smiled seeing him.

She fully got ready in white top and blue jeans then she took out clothes for Neil. Neil came out wearing towel around him. Avni didn't say anything because she was blankly staring at him. Neil smirking seeing, he went Closer to her and pulled her to him.

Neil : done checking me!

Avni : I .... was..nt....!

Neil : really but you know I love you when you Claim me as yours. I love you.

Avni smiled and pecked his forehead.

Avni : I love you too.

Neil leaves her and get ready. He wore his black jeans with white shirt.

Both had breakfast and left to look around Dubai.

Avneil was holding each other hand walking. They both had smile and walked around Dubai.neil excused himself to get something. Avni was standing alone waiting for Neil to come back. When Neil came back but what he saw made him angry because Avni was siting with another guy and laughing with him. This made him angry not because she laughing but she is with someone else. He went to them one of them noticed Neil. Neil was giving them unbelievable look. He cleared his throat to gain their attention. Avni looks at Neil.
Neil walks to them and too sit beside Avni but he was gritting inside to see him back. The guy looks at Neil and Smiled.

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