He healed me!

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Avneil are marriage since two years. Neil loves Avni and had already confessed but Avni hasn't respond to his proposal because she has horrible past related to love.
She married because of her mother who is suffering from illness. Her mother left her too because she couldn't survive as she has cancer.

Avneil is sleeping in their room but like others couple. Neil sleeps on his side of bed between both them there is pillow wall. Neil wakes due to sunlight. He slowly opens his eye and saw Avni side empty. He got worried but then relaxed as he heard bathroom door opens. He saw her coming.he got from bed and went to her. While she looked at him but moved her eye before he could caught her. She moved to dressing table and she saw him.

Avni : do you need something?

Neil : no! I want to ask you something? Can I !

She nods.

Neil : why do you always wake up?

Avni : listen Neil. It up to me when i sleep or wake so don't interfere! Hope you got!
As usually he ignores her taunts and went to washroom.

After having shower in Neil cones but didn't see Avni. He sighs and went to his closet. He picked short and white t- shirt. He wore it, he was gelling his heir when Avni entered. She walked up to him and said.

Avni hands him a letter.

Avni : mom gave this to you!
He took it and read it. He smiled but hid it.

Neil : are you going to come!

Avni : why I need to there?

Neil :Avni at least come not for me but others.

Avni thinks for moment.

Avni : i will come but never think you said that I am coming. I only doing for your family.

Neil : Avni my family is also yours!
Avni doesn't respond and leaves from there.

Neil : God this girl! When is going to understand my love for her.
At the same he got call from office.

Neil : hello!

Receptionist: sir did you get the letter!

Neil : yes I did and make sure all the arrangement are Correct. I will there in half hour. And one thing out ctv cameras on in my cabin and others room too.

Receptionist: ok sure! See you soon sir!

Neil cuts call and went downstairs where others were waiting for him. He took Bebe blessing and hugged his mom. Then he notice his dad wasn't there.

Neil: mom where is dad?

Swetha: you already Know today is award ceremony so he went to check.

Neil : mom you could told me before.

Swetha : its ok Tillu. Anyway you will going there too.

He nods and sit down. Avni serves him. While she doesn't look at him.

Bebe: tillu are you going to there or you will come home.

Neil took first bite.

Neil : Bebe I will be there. Actually my p.a has already got my dress for today so i won't come home.

As he said this Avni looks at him.bebe and swetha saw this but didn't do anything.
Avni made excuse and went to her room.

Neil : mom come with Avni. I will see you later.
Swetha nods.

Bebe : don't when both will get happy. We need to hospital before going to office.

Swetha nods and they both leave while Avni in her room. She was sitting. She was crying being knee closer to her.

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