Love in New York (Robert Pattinson fan-fic)

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A/N~Hi, I LOVE Robert Pattinson like SO much so I decided to write a fan- fic. In this story, as much as I love Kristen, her and rob have split up for this story, it just make sit easier for me to write. But I hope they don't break up in real life cos I Love them!!!!

Thanks for reading,

Leia xx

Me and Emily were sat in the back of mums silver Volvo on our way to the airport and hardly able to contain our excitement. Emily has been abroad loads unlike me, who has never left England. I only got a passport 1 week ago.

" Now Jess, are you sure you packed everything? Have you got enough clothes to last? Underwear? Oh! Have you got your toothbrush and toothpaste, I can't remember seeing you pack it? Did you pa-"

"Mum relax, yes, I've double checked like 6 times. Calm down mum, if I have forgotten anything " mum gave a worried look in the mirror " not that I have, but if I did, then I have plenty of money to just buy it, hell I think I have enough money to supply me for a fricken year!"

Mum didn't look too convinced but I could hear a faint chuckle coming from my dad, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Always was calm one kiddo. You get that from me," he glanced over at mum, " certainly don't get it from your mother."

Mum, ignoring dads last comment said, " your right Jess, I'm being silly. I'm just worried, I mean its your first time abroad. I... Well I thought that I would be the one to take you. To protect you, to do things, like go to the beach or something together."

" I'll be fine mum, and anyway, we can go together sometime, At least then ill know all the good things to do, won't I?"

"Your right... Again"

My mum then turned her attention to dad and slapped his bare leg (coz he was wearing those gay man shorts not coz he was naked or anything) hard. I could feel it, it was that hard.

" she may get her calmness from you, but she damn well doesn't get her bloody cleverness from you!" I tried to hold a giggle.

As my dad turned to face the window, whilst rubbing his head, I heard him say something like

" whatever you say darling"

That earned him another slap. Harder.

As I looked over to Emily who was sat to my right, I didn't realise she had dropped off. Her mouth hung wide open and I swear I could see drool. She warned me, but I never thought she actually would. I learnt really close to her, so It looked like I was kissing her ear and screamed


She suddenly came to life.


" We're at the airport!"


The flight was NOT like it was expected to be. I was sick 3 times and fainted once. Once we landed though it was okay, I was only sick once more. When we arrived at the hotel was a shock. I mean I know mum and dad said they were spoiling me, but not to a PENT HOUSE!!! I swear it looks like the one off the Kardashians!!! Hhmmmmm......

I was still staring at the place when Emily screams from somewhere


" OKAY, but I don't think there is a small bedroom in this place!" I screamed back at her.

And I was right. Both our bedrooms were like the size of both our bed rooms put together fully equipped with all the latest technology. Oh and can't forget the bed, from the looks of it it could fit like 30 people in it!

Once I was unpacked I decided to try out the t.v. And damn did it work! As I was flicking through the channels a picture of Robert Pattinson came on, and I quickly stopped. It was the news.

" Robert Pattinson has flown out to New York after his recent split with his long term girlfriend, Kristen Stew-"

The screen suddenly went blank and I turned to see Emily walking in, remote in hand.

" huh, did you know my remote works for your t.v?"

" Emily?!? Why did you turn it off?!?!"

She sighed " coz all you do is obsess about him and read about him, you need to get over it, it's not like you'll ever meet him."



I just collapsed one the bed and screamed into my pillow.

" hurry and get ready Jess, we' re going SHOPPING!!!"

I screamed louder. You see when you go shopping with Em in London it's bad enough, especially when it's the sales, so imagine a shopping-sale-loving freak in New York!!! It's hell!

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