TGI Fridays

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As the cab pulled up outside the resteruant my heart started to race 1000 miles an hour. What if he didnt show? If he did, would it be awkward ? I hadn't even realised I was walking when a gush of warm air hit me. I scanned the room but saw Rob no where.

"Are you Jess?" I jumped around to see a young woman stood in full TGI uniform, whose name tag read Stacey looking at me curiously.

I was seriously confused, "H-how do you know my name?"

She smiled warmly, "This way mam."

She led me through a door that i'm sure you can't normaly go through and down a long corridor until she stopped a door marked private. she pushed down on the handle and opened it to revel a nervous Rob sat at the table that was placed in the centre of the room, fiddling with the wine glass that sat infront of him. His head shot up and when his eyes found me, a smile spread across his face and he stood up yo greet me, kissing me on my cheek. I felt my cheeks immediately blush, so I was quick to pull my hair to my face, trying my best to hide it. I turned around hoping to see Stacey but she was gone. Rob walked to the seat that sat opposite his and pulled it out like a proper gentleman. I smiled taking a seat. once he was sat back down, he took the wine glass and was about to pour some in my glass when I stopped him.

"Could I just have some coke please? "

I was afraid he would get annoyed at me for complaining but I was totally wrong. he just answered,"Certainly, any flavour in particular?"

A smile came to my face, "could I have cherry please."

"coming right up"

Once my coke had come and we had ordered, I asked the question that I was ichting to ask him,

"So, why the secret room? scared of ebing seen with me?" I joked.

"Well kind of." He admitted. The smile fled from my gface as quick as it had arrived.He noticed my reaction and quickly carride on.

"Not because I am embarressed or anything, but if the papparzzi were to see us together then they would start making up crazy stories. They would say we were going out, and you would never have a sane life again, they would follow you everywhere." I nodded understanded and smiled slightly at his thoughfullness. I was as stuck for conversation as I was back at the club, but apparently there was no need as once again he started it.

"so tell me about yourself."

" well I'm 18, love in London, my favourite colour is grey, my

favourite film is..." I stopped, if I told him would he think I was just another over obsessed fan?

"Errm, she's the man?" It was more of a question, because as much as I love that film, it's not my favourite. Rob seemed to belive it and nodded, as if in approval.

"So... do you like.. cheese?"

A wide grin fromed on my face. He was quoting Shes The Man.

"Why yes I do. My favourite's gouda." I replied, playing along.

He smiled wider before answering,

"I like gouda too?"

We both broke into unctrollable laughter and by the time we had calmed down, the door opened and and Stacey came through with our food.

We both thanked her and she left, giving me wink as she turned to walk out.

Conversation flowed easily, no awkward silences and I don't think I ever stopped smiling, if either or us did. He told me about the film he was next working on, The Rover, in Australia. We talked about random stuff, things that I'm not sure you would talk about at a normal lunch, but hey, this was anything but normal . I mean, it's not everyday you get to have a meal with Robert Pattinson!

The time seemed to fly by and when I checked my watch, it was 2:35. I looked back up to rob who was still trying to supress his laughing fit, and my heart skipped a beat. He just had that effect on me. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, even the sound of his voice made my heart flip. But wouldn't it make everyone?

I was still staring at him in my own little world when his phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered but when the perosn on the other end of the phone spoke he tensed. He gave me a smile signalling with his hands that he would be a mintute and walked over to the door and stepped out, letting it shut behind him.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but from the way he kept on pushing his hand through his hair, sighing, it wan't somthing, someone he wanted to share with me.

When he renetered he looked exhausted. He gave me a smile sitting back down. When he noticed me staring at him he just said, "Family drama."

I smiled, nodding, not quiet believing it but letting it drop. It wasn't my buisness to butt into.

We talked for a bit, but I knew that it had to end soon. He said that I should go out first, and that Stacey would guide me back to the main resteraunt. I thanked him for the meal and he, for the second time may I point out, kissed me on the cheek. I thought about turning my face to get one on the lips but thought better of it. That would deffo scare him away!

As I climbed into the cab, telling the driver the address I couldn't help but relive the whole afternoon. From when I got the letter to when he gave me a cheek kiss goodbye. It was something that never happened to me. Jessica Ashwerth. But sometimes dreams come true. And I think mine just did.


Hey! So I am so sorry for the late upload but hadn't had much spare time lately. I swear school is out to get me ;) anyway thankyou for all the support that I have been getting, it really motivated me to update quicker :) tell me what you think! Who was Rob on the phone too?



and tell a friend!

love Leia xx

Love in New York (Robert Pattinson fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now