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{OKay, so here is the next chapter, thank you guys as so far you are reaching the target votes and comments pretty quick (well it took a while to get that last vote, but we got there eventually!). So I am going to keep doing it as it gives me more of a structured updating system sort of and it tells me when you guys really want me to update.

So this time I would like 10 votes and comments which I don't think its that many to ask for really.

Anyway, on with the next chapter!}

Oh and btw can I make it clear once again that any offence towards Kristen I am sorry, she is one of my idols, but I have to make Jess dislike her for the purpose of the story. So yeh.

Jess' POV

It had been great. For once in a long time Em and I had had some girl time without the worry of school, parents, or other crap like that. When we got back to the hotel/pent house Emily had taken ill and retreated to her bedroom for some 'well needed sleep' I quote.

After a long debate with myself about what I should do I settled with browsing the internet on my laptop. Rob had told me earlier about how there was an article in a magazine with pictures of me and him at the club where we first met. Luckily, from what Rob said, you couldn't see it was me, so there was nothing to worry about. As much as I trusted Rob, I still couldn't help but have a look to see if there were any articles on the internet that I could read and see the pictures of.

I opened a new tab on Google and typed in 'Robert Pattinson news' and clicked enter. Within seconds, there were hundreds of results, but the first one that I saw was a link for Hollywood Life, which I knew would most probably have the pictures and an article of some sort. I clicked on it and waited. Numerous articles showed up, but the one that caught my eye wasn't the picture of me and Rob. In fact it was something totally different.

It was Rob.

And Kristen Stewart.

They picture showed them outside a little cafe where he was kissing her cheek.

My heart sank as I clicked on the link to read the whole story. Maybe it was an old photo which they used for a new article, just because they had no new photos of the two together?

I quickly scanned through the writing. It said they were caught together outside a cafe in New York. Today. That means that the picture was taken whilst Emily and I were at the beach together. I got half way through reading it until I got to the point where I could read no further, tears taking over my vision.

I felt so many emotions in that short space of time. Hurt. Regret. Anger. But mostly betrayal. I didn't stop the tears as they flowed freely from my eyes, letting sobs escape my lips.

"Hey, I feel great after-Hey babe, what's up?"

I turned to the door to see a worried looking Emily. Well her blurred figure. This only made the sobs louder, my tears harder.

She rushed over to my bed, engulfing me in a hug. "Hey, hey, shh what's wrong?"

Knowing my speech would fail me I simply pointed towards the laptop screen.

A gasp escaped her lips as she muttered a few curse words. I am guessing they were aimed at Rob. And a few for her who shall not be named.

Instead of blowing up like I thought she would she simply held me as I cried my heart out.

Why didn't he tell me. I mean we spoke to each other this morning and he didn't mention it to me. And we spoke in the afternoon, and according to the times that the article said the pics were taken, they were taken before me and Rob spoke, so why didn't he tell me then? It was obviously something that he didn't want me to know. I bet that he is going to ring, make up an excuse and then go running back to her and get back together.

Love in New York (Robert Pattinson fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now