Falling hard

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Authors note: omg guys I am so sorry I haven't updated sooner! I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint.

So anyway, please, enjoy!

"I don't know Emily..." I said unsure as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Once I had calmed down, Emily had explained everything and in the end we ended up laughing about the whole ruining my clothes thing. Well if I didn't I would have cried. Luckily my best friend was a shopaholic and whilst I was with Robert all yesterday, she had shopped until she dropped.

She had bought a few ite s of clothing that was appropriate and eventually we had decided on an outfit.

"Yeah, I'm not sure either, I mean if you were to rip that top whilst getting freaking with Robert then god help you." Emily answered a smirk coming to her face.

"Emily!" I squealed, elbowing her in the side.

"What?! I mean you two are going to eventually... your know... You may as well do it sooner than later."

I instantly blushed at the thought of Robert and I... doing the deed. I was still a virgin, and if I was to loose it to him then I wanted it to be special, not just because we knew that,if our relationship was to last, that it was bound to happen.

"Emily I have known him for what, four days." I sighed "and anyway he might not want to."

Emily looked at me gone out. "Girl, if I were a boy, I would bang you. And if I was drunk I may not have to be a boy." Emily commented.

I laughed at her comment and looked down at the watch on my wrist.

6:00 (pm)



"Rob said he would send a car to pick me up at quarter to six!"

I frantically gathered my purse and jacket, and ran out my bedroom searching for my shoes that I had left in the living room. Luckily the tucker boots where the one thing that Emily didn't ruin. Quickly pulling them on I shouted a bye to Emily whilst heading out the door, not looking back. I pushed the lift button a numerous amount of times until eventually it opened and I rushed in an pushed the ground floor button.

I sighed with relief as I saw the black car with who I recognised to be James in the drivers seat.


I took in a shakey breath as I stood in front of Rob's hotel room door. The nerves had finally started to kick in once I had reached the front doors of Robs hotel.

I knocked three times before taking a step back.

Within a matter of seconds I heard the locked being undone from the other side and open to reveal none the less than Robert himself.

"Hey." He greeted opening the door wider so I could step in.

"Hi." I answered stepping through the threshold.

I heard the door close behind me as I examined his living room. In the centre was a stylish sofa and next to it was a love seat. The room was decorated modernly, and the wall in front of the sofa and love seat was made of glass.

"Nice place." I commented, turning my head aorund so I could get a better look at the place. 

"Thanks, I try to make it as homely as possible." 

I looked around the room, and srue enough, there was a few pictures of him and his sisters, his parents and his dog, Bear. I laguhed at the picture. Bear was layed on the ground, his head to the side, wiht his longe tongue hanging out. 

"What's so funny?" Rob asked slightly confused.

I turned to face him taking a step closer to him. 

"Just your amazingly cute dog!" I smiled.

Rob shook is head, laughing. 

"What you finding so funny?" 

He smiled taking a step closer.

"My amazingly cute girlfriend."  

By now we were close, hardly any gap lef tbetween us. He closed the small gap and as soon as our lips connected it was as if someone had set a bunch of butterflies loose on my stomach. He deepened th kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. I held my clutch that was in my hand tighter so I could rap my arms around his neck. He licked my lip, asking for entrance. I was just about to agree, when there was a loud pitched buszzing coming from deeper inside the apartment. 

Robert begrugidly pulled back cursing under his breath. 

I glanced over his sholder towards the sound, raising one my my eye brows. 

"The food." Robert rolled his eyes. It was only a second after did what he said did his words sink in to him. 

"THE FOOD!" He shouted before turning and running to where I suppose the kitchen was. I chased after him although I got lost at one point, taking a wrong turn. I ended up walking straight in to Rob's bedroom. It was the typical man's bedroom, shirts thrown around the room, mens deodrant on the dresser. It didn't have many personal belongings really though.

I eventually found Robert who was wafting away smoke that was coming out of the oven. He oulled out a dish that I think was meant to be lasagne, but I couldn't really tell as it was burned.

"Is that meant to be-"

"Lasagne? Yeah."

I walked over ot him and took a look.

"Damn, and it looked so nice." I joked.

He placed it down onto the work top. 


I smiled so wide I thought my cheeks were going to pop. 



Okay guys, I know thst this is short, but I really wanted to update! The second part of their little date will be up as soon as I can, bearing in mind I have four other books to update too :)

So anyway, 



and i will fan back if you fan me! 

Leia xx

(Btw this chapter is not edited)

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