Feelings ❤

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"I just... I don't know. I mean you would probably be better off with her anyway." I finished.

I wasn't sure why I said the last part, but deep down I knew it to be true. She could handle the life style, and thousands of fans wanted them to be together. I was a nobody, always were always will be.

"Don't. Don't ever say that! I will NEVER go back with her. Not now that I know what else I can have. I want to be with you so bad, please, don't break up with me."

"Why? Why shouldn't I?" I blurted, instantly regretted my words.



I stood there frozen. All my anger, my hurt, just disappeared. The words that I was sure just left his mouth made my mind go in to over drive, my head spinning at a thousand miles an hour.

I just stood there not knowing what to say, what to do.

Robert stood there staring back at me waiting nervously for me to have a reaction.

But I couldn't physically move, meaning that I couldn't even form words. I had known him, personally, for not even a week yet we already had those feelings for each other. And that scared the crap out of me.

After minutes Rob couldn't take my silence anymore.

"Please. Just... just say something."

I tried, but I ended up just looking like a fish, my mouth opening, and closing repeatedly.

The pain in his eyes as he realized I wasn't going to reply made my heart rip in to two. It was as if I was physically there, but my mind was somewhere else. I was screaming the answer in my head, but I couldn't make it come out of my mouth.

A single tear fell down his cheek and he nodded as if in understatement.

"Ill, just go then." He whispered, his voice clogging up as the tears streamed down his face.

It wasn't until he had left the room, and I heard the door the pent house close, did I fully realize what just happened.

We broke up.

Me and Robert we're officially over.

As the sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks, the tears finally came. And they didn't seem like they would stop. Of course, Emily had come in moments after Robert had left, but everything seemed unimportant at that moment.

I was vagaly aware of Emily cradeling me as I collapsed to the floor, my legs no longer holding the strength that they normally do.


I was only aware of the smell of coffee as I sleepily peeled open my eye lids. As I went to lift my head up from the pillow it was resting on, the room spun in front of my eyes and I had to wait a few seconds for the world to come in to focus.

How had I got in to bed? The last thing I remembered was-

Oh god no. Please say that it was all just a nightmare.

Robert was gone.

I frantically looked around the room, trying to find any evidince that it was all real, that it did realy happen. I scrambled out of bed and out of my room, tryin to find Emily.

"Emily! Emily! Emily, where are you!?" I shouted frantically.

"Jess?" Emily emerged from her bedroom, half way through putting her hair up in a pony tail.

"Please, just tell me he hasn't gone." I sobbed.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry." She replied sadly, "Look, I don't fully understand what happened last night, so how about we sit down, I'll make us a coffee, since I'm taking you didn't drink the one I left in your room for you, and you can explain the situation to me. How does that sound hun?"

"Okay" I choked out.

With the coffee made, Emily sat down next to me, handing me my steaming cup full of heaven.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Right, now start from the beginning. " Emily never was one to beat around the bush.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to speak clearly. "Well basically, I had a go at him and said some things that to be honest I regret saying. And then I asked him to give me a reason as to why I shouldn't break up with him right there and then."

"Well what was the reason?"

"He said... he err... he told..." there was a lump forming in my throat, and I knew that if I didn't spit it out then I wouldn't be able to.

"Hetoldmehelovedme." I blurted out in one breath.


"He to-"

"I heard what you said you idiot! Well what did you say back?!"

"I didn't say anything back. I-I was too shocked to reply! He took my quietness the wrong way and left!"

"Well do you feel the same way"


"Well, in my opinion, I think that you do feel the same way, and if that is so, then you need to get your sorry ass down to his hotel and go get your man! And you should be recording this, I mean you know how hard it is for me to trust a guy so this coming out of my mouth isn't something that you will hear everyday."

She had somehow managed to get that all out in one breath, so when he was finished she let out a massive sigh.

"But he's gone! He broke up with me, he'll never want me back now!"

A serious look crossed over Em's face, as trust me, that doesn't often happen.

"Did he actually say the words, 'I want to break up with you' ?"

"Well no, but-"

"No freaking buts! Do you love him?"

"Yes." I didn't even have to think about that question.

"Then what are you doing still sat here?!? GO GET YOUR MAN"

She finished, standing up, and dragging me up with her.

I laughed pulling her in to a tight hug.

"I love you Em"

"Save the mushy stuff for Rob! Jesus woman!" She smiled.

"Right yes, rob!"

I quickly ran in to my room, grabbing my bag and my favourite leather jacket in the whole entire world. I rushed back in to the room, grabbing my phone off the table and smiling at emily.

"Wish me luck!" I shouted as I headed to the door.


I turned around.


"I love you too hun." She smiled at me, showing off her Hollywood smile.

15 comments and 15 votes for next update :)

Okay, okay, please put your guns away! I know that I haven't update in ages but I have had a lot more serious issues going on in my life, and as much as I love writing for you guys, I just couldn't find the strength. But, it's the holidays so I will be updating more frequently, and the next chapter should me up real soon. I was going to add it on the end of this one ad make it one long chapter but then you guys would have had to wait longer for an update.

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