Mates Before Dates

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Okay, so I am trying to update quicker and more frequently, but it is hard when you have five books to update. Although I don't think I am doing that bad since some books that I know an author hasnt updated since 2012. 

I have a question to ask you guys, do any of you know the author who wrote Best Friends With Hollywood's Golden Boy, and what has happened to them? They just disappeared off the face of the earth and I REALLY want them to finish the book! 

Anyway if you do I will be very thankful! 


(oh and please check out the video on the side, it is a song that basically sums up Emily and Jessica's relationship and the picture is of Jess and Emily:) 

 Oh and I would like 5 comments and 5 votes for update :) 

Jess' POV

Rob's parents weren't coming until tomorrow so I had promised that I would spend the day at the beach with Emily. To be honest I hadn't really spent much time with Emily, and since this was probably the only time we would be coming to New York for a while. 

Beep Beep!

I quickly picked up my phone, unlocking it before clicking on messages. 


Morning beautiful, just wanted to let you know that I had an amazing time last night :)  

-R xxx

I smiled down at the text, not able to contain my feelings. 

(AUTHORS NOTE: R:  will be what rob is writing and J: will be what Jess is writing)


Morning :* me too, it was perfect <3

-J xxx


You're perfect ;) 


Aha, cheesy ;) But so are you 


So, wuu2 today? X


Beach with Emily :) wbu? XXX

"JESSICA!" Em screeched from the front door. I knew that she was super excited to go, and she only ever used my full name when, 

A)She was angry with me 


B) She was annoyed with me

And at the moment I think that it was a bit of both.

I sighed, sad that I would have to end the conversation but in all fairness we had made a pact when we were in high school. Mates Before Dates. Always. 


Oh and here I thought you wanted to spend all the time with your amazing boyfriend! He,he jks, have fun babe :) xx


Aha, and I will :) g2g, Emily is getting VERY impatient ;) See ya xx

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