Chapter 12: Honest women

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Mila sat at the table about to eat her Christmas dinner. The whole family had just sat down and was about to say grace when there was a knock on the door. “who the hell is knocking the door on Christmas day?” Mila said rolling her eyes. “why don’t you go get the door?” Lawrence said to her. “why don’t you go get it lazy?” Mila laughed looking back at her plate of food. “Go get the door missy” Lawrence said nudging her. She rolled her eyes again but got up and went to open the door.

“who is it?” she asked approaching the door. But there was no reply.

“who is it?” she asked again this time whilst opening the door, she looked up and he was standing right in front of her.  “its me” Luca said before giving her a bunch of flowers and hugging her.

“what are you doing here Luca, its Christmas day?”

“exactly, I don’t want to spend such an important day without you” he said kissing her on the forehead before she closed the door behind him.

“so you flew to Atlanta on Christmas day?” she said shocked.

“yes, now stop gawping at me and introduce me to your family!” he ushered her to walk back into the dining room.  Everyone sat at the table in silence waiting for them to enter. Mila laughed realising they all knew he was coming. she introduced him to everyone at the table and set a place next to her for him to eat. He was a good boy, he was polite, respectful and humorous at times.

“So Luca when you going to make an honest women out of my niece?” One of Mila’s uncles asked. Mila nearly choked on her food and gave him the evils. Luca knew he wanted to marry Mila eventually but he hadn’t really thought about when. “one day in the not too far future, I hope.” he said trying to be crafty about his answer. Mila just looked over at him and gave him the “what you talking bout’ face.

After dinner everyone went back to what they were doing before dinner, playing with new gadgets they had got for Christmas and talking and the women were cleaning up in the kitchen and having a gossip. Mila sat on the sofa same as before but this time with Luca beside her.

“I’m going to the toilet quickly be right back” Mila said tapping Luca on the leg and going to the toilet. Mila’s grandmother took this as an opportunity to sit next to Luca like she had done Mila.

“Hello mr, can I sit here for a second?” she asked. “you sure can ma’am?” he said moving over.

“How are you? You enjoy your food?”

“I did, it was delicious. Thank you so much for having me.”

“well you are ever so welcome. But I need you to do me a favour” her grandmother said getting closer to him like it was a secret.

“yeah sure” he replied leaning over. “Im getting old now, I need you to marry that granddaughter of mine and give me some grandbabies. God knows Leon is taking his precious time and the way you look at Mila is enough to make my heart melt” she said before leaning back. Luca smiled softly at her taking in every word she said. He couldn’t make any promises but he knew he was going to try. “I shall try my very best ma’am”

The flight back to Manhattan was quick and Mila was happy. The whole trip Luca and Lawrence talked about basketball and their favourite teams. Lawrence was shocked Luca was a hard-core golden state fan and respected him all the more for it. Mila was happy to see Luca and Lawrence bonding.

When the arrived back at the house Lyra asked Luca if he wanted to stay for dinner. He thanked her but turned her down on the grounds he had left his family halfway through Christmas day and felt he needed to go home and make it up to them.

“Hey, I have a present for you” Luca said helping Mila bring her suitcase upstairs to her room.

“WHAT?? NO more presents. Boy you took me on holiday flew to Atlanta and surprised me. I don’t need no more presents. You haven’t even got your present from me.” Mila said

“You got me a present” Luca said looking at her confused.

“Yes I did. But I didn’t spend as much as you did, I didn’t know you was going to do all of this.” She said walking over to her drawer. “I got you this” she handed him a wooden box inside was a bottle of 40 year old whisky.

“Fucking hell Mila, how much did this cost you?” he said opening the box and looking at the bottle. “don’t worry about how much it cost, I also got you this” she handed him a long velvet box.  Luca put the whisky down and opened the velvet box. Inside was six pairs of cufflinks three gold and three silver.

“I wasn’t sure, if you liked gold or silver more so I just got three of each.” She said unsure of how he felt about it. “I love them, but this is too much Mila.” He said kissing her on the forehead. “not its not” “yes it is, why do I need 6 pairs babe.”

“You don’t NEED six pairs. But I thought it would be nice to have a variety. Plus the main reason is there is one for each month I was away from you. I cant go back and give you those six months but I can give you these.” Mila looked down scared of how he may reply. Luca didn’t know what to say, so he just kissed her.

“Right, well its time for your very last Christmas present, and I don’t wanna here no winging.” He grabbed her hand and ran down stairs. They walked out the front door and down the path and Mila looked at Luca confused.

“What?” she asked. “look” he said pointing at the black audi s3. “no” she said looking at him. “Yes” he smiled.

“Luca you bought me a car!!!” she said in shock. “yes I did” he said and folded his arms. “no way!” she replied. Her parents looked out from the front door of the house smiling.

“I cant accept this. This is too much Luca. Plus you just got my old one fixed?” Mila whispered.

“I said no winging or complaining.  Its not just from me, your parents chipped in. The car you had was a safety hazard, I only got it fixed so you could sell it and pay off some of your student loans, because you wont just let me pay them off. The breaks aren’t up to the standard I want them to be. Now you are with me, I plan to spoil you and look after you and never loose you again. I don’t want to here ‘luca this is too much’ or ‘I cant accept this’. If I wanna buy my girl a car I will, if I could give you the world I would.” He kissed her on the forehead and she was left speechless AGAIN!!

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