Chapter 6: You need to be trained

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Luca dropped Mila home and walked her up to the door. “The snow makes Manhattan looks so beautiful” she said looking around.

“Yeah it does, so do you like snow?” Luca asked

“Yes, it gorgeous and it reminds me of Christmas” Mila said snuggling in her scarf.

“Well that’s good, because tomorrow I’m taking you on a short trip?”

“Where to?” Mila asked confused

“italy, for s short skiing trip,  if you love snow, your going to love it.” Luca said excited.

“I’m sorry, I have to work. Sounds wonderful though, I’m sure you will have a great time” Mila said opening her door

“We will have a great time” Luca said following Mila inside.

“Luca, I cant I have to work. But thank you for the invite” Mila went to kiss him but Luca evaded her kiss.

“Mila, I’m not taking no for an answer, pack your bags I will pick you up tomorrow around 6 o’clock, our flights at 9” Luca said walking back out the house and once again Mila was left standing there with no choice.

The next day Mila stood in her parent’s downstairs entry with a suitcase and her handbag. She checked she had everything; she had never been skiing before and thought this trip was going to be rather tedious but none the less she was excited. On the dot Lucas arrived at 6 o’clock.

“hey” he said walking into the house.

“Hi” Mila replied, trying not to act excited.

“Right, lets not waste no time. Let me put your stuff in the back of the car” he said taking her suitcase and walking to the car. once he got in the car he done up her seatbelt for her again. She just looked at him not sure what to say. “you know I can do that myself right?” “yes but I like to make sure it is done properly” he said and winked at her.

As they drove to the airport Mila got nervous about the whole trip. “Luca ive never skied before?” Mila said in a hushed tone.

“Don’t worry babe I’m going to teach you how to ski. But” Luca said before swallowing hard.

“but what?” Mila asked confused.

“but more importantly I’m going to train you?” Luca said staring directly into Mila’s eyes.

“train me?” Mila laughed nervously

“Yes, train you” Luca said in a stern voice. “Mila I have said this before and I will say this again I don’t want to lose you. The one thing I didn’t do with you or the woman who shall not be named, is train either of you. That’s why both of you strayed” Luca said after clearing his throat.

“First of all I am not a dog! I don’t need to be trained. Second of all how dare you compare me to she who shall not be named! I have work to do Luca don’t give me another reason to get the hell up-out of this car and leave you to go on this holiday alone. I know I said I wanted to give things with you another go but this is just taking it to far, we need to be equals.” Mila said in her feisty southern accent she had picked up being back in Atlanta. Luca laughed a light laugh and Mila rolled her eyes.

“Stop the car” she said to the driver undoing her seatbelt. Luca laughed hysterically which wound up Mila completely.

“Don’t stop the car” Luca said to the driver before turning to Mila. “Baby, baby, baby. Aren’t you a feisty one? How long did you spend in Atlanta? You know, This is exactly why you need to be trained. I don’t know who the hell you think you are talking to like that but I promise you after this weekend you will want to rethink the way you talk to me because there will be consequences to your actions.  We are equals in the relationship yes, we are equals as human beings yes, but don’t not forget I am your Dom and you are my sub. Do you understand me?” Luca said reaching over to Mila and doing back up her seatbelt. Mila sat back in her chair, she knew the next few days were going to be long and tiresome but something about it seemed like a challenge she wanted to take on.

They flew first class all the way to Italy and when they got there it was night time, they drove from the airport to the hotel. As they went past all the amazing building and lights, Mila kept asking to get out and take pictures and Luca kept saying no. He wanted them to go back to the hotel have some proper food and sleep it was going to be a long few days and Mila would need her energy. Once they arrive mila realised the ‘hotel’ was more of a skiing complex, where everyone stayed in small lodges that resembles little apartments.

“How comes there is only one bed?” Mila asked. “Baby, we can share” Luca said as if it was obvious. “No, don’t baby me and I would like my own bed” Mila replied folding her arms. “Well your not allowed your own bed, so stop complaining.” Luca said walking into the bathroom, when he came back out, Mila was in her frumpy pyjama’s, headscarf and was climbing into bed.

“What are you doing Mila?” Luca asked. “I’m going to bed, what does it look like?” “NO! you haven’t had a proper meal for dinner and you cant go to bed without eating properly.” “Well I’m not that hungry and I have a conference call tomorrow morning at 4am. So goodnight” she said lying down and closing her eyes.

“Mila I thought I made myself clear earlier when I told you, to watch yourself. I have said already and will say for the last time. You need to eat before you got to sleep and you wont be taking no conference call tomorrow morning at 4am, you will be laying in bed asleep in my arms. I swear to god, If you do get up and do work or work at all during this trip, I will take your laptop and phone away from you for the rest of the trip.”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t sign up for this, I didn’t sign up for any of this. You said we were going on a trip skiing, I plan on skiing and working. I have books to write, promote and sell.”

“Well that can wait till we get back. I suggest you email your agent now and tell her your taking the next few days off.”

“I don’t want to take the next few days off.” “Too bad! I’m ordering room service, your going to email your agent, eat and then sleep. And God help me if you wake up to have a conference call, or any of the sort business interaction, there will be punishments! Because from this exact moment onwards we are now starting your training. Have I made myself clear?”

“ughhh!!!” Mila screamed climbing out of bed, grabbing her laptop and going to the living area of the lodge.

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