Chapter 4: Talk to me

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A/N: Hey guys, as much as i love uploading for you guys and i love reading your comments, i have to say i will be going back to uploading once a week, twice a week is just a bit much for me to do and still study for university. I hope you dont mind and i will try and stay consistant, so a new chapter is up every sunday. Thank you all for the reads and wonderful comments xx

Luca pulled up outside Mila’s parents house, walked up to the door and rang the bell. He was wearing all black, with a black parker and black timberlands. The maid came and opened the door, she was shocked to see him.

“Hello Mr reed, how can I help you?” She asked

“Hey, he is here to see me” Mila said walking up to the door in a burgundy jumper and jeans with her boots. She put a long navy coat with fur on and walked out the door to Luca’s car. As she walked to the car she was flustered by how hot Luca looked, she really had forgotten how hot he was in the last few months. Luca just turned and watched her walk to his car. ‘Nice view’, He thought to himself.

“I don’t get no Hi then’ Luca said to himself following her back to the car. He got in the car and drove off.

“So where are we going jimmy’s?” Mila said looking at her nails.

“When you get some fucking manners and say hello to me I might tell you” Luca said annoyed.

“Don’t start with me Luca, I’m not in the mood.” she moaned

“Why are you here then Mila?”

“Because we both know you wont take no for an answer. Even if I hadn’t got up and I had stayed in bed this morning. You would have come got me about of bed and dragged me kicking an screaming” she said rolling her eyes.

“Do you know what? If you really don’t want to come, get out my car” Luca said pulling over, so Mila could get out.

“Really?” she asked staring at him. He nodded. As she went to open the door he locked the car system so she couldn’t get out. “for fuck sake Luca” she said struggling to open the locked car door.

“Babe, you know me too well. There aint no way you getting away from me again” he said driving on.

They got to the restaurant and the server ordered their drinks and food. As they waited Mila sat texting on her phone, being rude.

“Get off you phone and talk to me” Luca said sitting up in his chair.

“No, I have to reply to emails. I’m self employed, my work doesn’t sell it self” Mila replied.

“I said, get off your phone and talk to me”

“No” she said and Luca grabbed her phone and put it in his pocket. “How have you been?” he asked looking at a very annoyed Mila.

“give me back my phone” She whined as the waiter placed their food on the table.

“Nope, its confiscated till the end of the meal. Now I suggest you stop complaining and talk to me. We need to discuss some stuff. Stop trying to run away from this.” He said touching her hands. She pulled her hands away from his touch even though she was craving it. she ignored it and started eating her food.

“No Luca, I’m not running away from anything. I have already said to you. I don’t think this friendship is going to work out.” Mila sighed

“That’s fine because I don’t want a friendship. Why wont you be with me?”

“Because things have changed, I have changed and I don’t know if I can be with you anymore.”

“You’re not trying, you are giving up before you have even given us a go. You said you believe me. What else is there from stopping us from being together?” he stressed

“I don’t want to talk about this” Mila said tucking into her food trying to ignore the subject.

“Fine, how have you been?” Luca asked

They ate and conversed awkwardly as if they were old high school friends. They even shared a few laughs remembering old times. Mila warmed up A LOT more to luca, she realised how much she really had missed him. Luca didn’t bring up the relationship thing until they were on their way back to Mila’s house.

“Mila, I need you to try. You know I’m not going to give up, so lets give this a try.” He said touching her thigh.

“I don’t know Luca, I think we should just be friends” Mila offered Luca stopped the car in front of her house and turned to her.

“Mila, I’m going to explain something to you. So listen. I don’t ever want to be just your friend. I never want to just see you occasionally. I cant even bare the thought of you being with someone else. I only want you, I know you want me to. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have come to the event last night. If you don’t try, I will get out of your life, never talk to you again, move cities and leave you alone. I promise you will regret it. But if we do try, I will give you everything you want in life. I will support you, care for you, protect you, I will eventually marry you Mila. I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me what you want, because I will never ever just be friends with you” Luca finished.

“Im not sure Luca” she said confused.

“Don’t make a decision now, sleep on it. Tomorrow I want an answer and it better be yes” He said looking away. She climbed out of the car and trekked through the snow to her door.

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