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Hey guys, 

i know it has been more than a long time since i uploaded and yes book 3 is in the works but you have to bare with me. i am at university studying so writing has to come second. i do miss all of your amazing constructive comments and how i can interact with people across the world through a love story very close to my heart. BUT seen as book 3 is still being written. i dont want to leave you guys high and dry so i am starting a blog, its called lovinglyahopelessromantic.wordpress.com and if you guys could go over there and have a read i think you will like a lot. 

ALSO because you are my loyal readers i am going to answer any questions you guys have about relationships, love, dating so on. you can ask me anything you want, even about sex. i will give my honest opinion and try and give the best advice i can. it will be kept anonymous of course. Just email me at:


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me guys. i really would love for this blog to be useful for so many women and men. im not going to earn a single penny its just out of the kindness of my heart

Love you all xxx

You are mine and mine only (Controlling her series: book 2)Where stories live. Discover now