Chapter 9: Nightmares

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A/N: Hey guys, this  chapter is a couple of days early because i wont be able to upload on sunday. Also it is extra long because i know it will be a long wait till next sunday. hope ya'll don't mind too much xx

Two days later, Mila and Luca had been getting on well so far. He was a great teacher on the slopes and a strict one in the bedroom, he still refused to have sex with Mila even though they had done everything else, he was obviously teaching her another one of his lessons but all in all Mila couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t enjoying herself. The whole trip was brining them back together and reminding her of the old Luca and Mila they used to be before she ran away. Not only had the last few days made her happy, they had also made her sad; she couldn’t believe that she had runaway without even hearing Luca’s point of view. The more time she spent with him the more she realised she was the one in the wrong. She promised herself she was going to make it up to him. Starting with this trip.

Mila and Luca were in the gondola on the way up to the top of a harder slope. Mila was nervous and excited at the same time. “I don’t know Luca, I’m scared” she whispered. “Don’t be baby, you will be fine, just trust me” He replied. She sighed a deep sigh and he turned her head so she was facing him and kissed her. Mila instantly responded to his touch and slid her tongue into his mouth whilst placing her hand on the side of his head.

“Get a room” one of the girls sitting across from them in the Gondola said rolling her eyes. Luca just shot her a dirty look and she looked away. Mila was so embarrassed that for the rest of the ride she spent looking out the window. The beauty of the Italy amazed her.

Once they all got out and Mila saw how high up they were she nearly had a heart attack. “Don’t worry princess you will be fine” Luca said skiing up beside her. He was amazing at skiing, he would purposely ski as slow as her to make sure she was ok but, other times she has took ‘breaks’ to let him have his own fun and she saw how good he really was.

“Ok, now sweetie for the first part of the run I want you to go down in snow plough, perpendicular to the gradient. Once you have gone half way I want you to start skiing in Parallel but still perpendicular to the gradient. Ok?” He asked. A nervous Mila just nodded and began snow ploughing. She went down the run extremely well, she only lost control once but overall Luca was extremely proud of how well she had done.

Once they got back to the lodge they had some food and Luca allowed Mila on her laptop for an hour to answer so emails as she had been really good the last few days and he could feel that they were starting to connect again. Luca also did some work in the living area whilst Mila did her work in in the bedroom.

“Hey bubba” Luca said walking back into the bedroom where he found a very nerdy looking Mila in tracksuit bottoms, a tank top, her hair tied up and reading glasses on. He could tell she was going HAM on those emails. “Hey Luca, don’t tell me my time is up already?” she whined.  “I’m afraid so” he said closing her laptop. “ugghhh” she said flopping backwards onto the bed. “Don’t whinge about it baby. We have a lot to get done tonight. I want to take you for a late night swim in one of the hot springs” Luca said. Mila’s heart started to race, her subconscious visualised the Swimming pool with the black hole. “I’m sorry I cant, I don’t have any swimwear with me.” Mila uttered nervously. “I thought you might say that, so I got you this” Luca ran into the living area and grabbed a bag. Once he gave it to Mila she opened it and took out a sexy one piece black swim suit. “This is really cute” Mila said surprised Luca could pic something so elegant yet still sexy out. “It is really cute, but it will look even nicer on your smoking hot body. Now come on. Lets not waste time” Luca moaned.

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