Two bits

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Ayy the zine is here! Go check it out for the awesome art and writing! ( )

This is my L4D2 centered piece! The zine version of this has an illustration so highly recommend you check out the whole zine!

Ship: Implied Nellis (Nick x Ellis)

Title take from the song! Enjoy!


Ellis brushed his bangs from his eyes as he walked home, he was becoming a wookie. A utilities basket sat on the porch of the house he and the others shared. He snatched it, tossed it on the coffee table, and announced his presence. The house was empty once again. The group often opened baskets together, but lately, those instances became fewer and farther between.

It was the usual from the base; razors, menstrual products, condoms, the like. A box at the bottom caught his eye; a hair styling kit, still unopened. It was packed with scissors, combs, and even clippers with accessories.

Ellis looked at the box. He really needed a haircut.


Nick felt lucky today. He'd gotten their meds approved for refills, knowing constant trips to medical sapped their time away from each other. Alas, when good shit comes, bad shit follows. Somehow, the base could get their hands on fresh produce, but not fucking flaxseed. He couldn't even find a gel he wasn't allergic to. Fucking assclowns.

Nick got home and set the groceries down, noting a basket had been unpacked on the coffee table with a smile. His head jerked up to a faint buzzing. The sound grew as he approached the bathroom and pushed the door open.

Ellis turned to him, turning off clippers, "Hey Nick!" he chirped, "You should really knock, could've walked in on me shitting or something."

Nick's jaw dropped, wishing he'd beat him home.

He gripped Ellis' face, examining the shaved half of his head, "What did you do?"

"I'm giving myself a mohawk," Ellis giggled, wriggling from his grip and returning to shaving.

"Ellis," Nick said, slowly, "Do you know what you're doing?"

"Yeah! Gave myself one of these years ago. Some dickhead cut Keith's braid, so Dave and I-"

"Ellis, later."

"Don't worry Nick, I've been cutting my own hair for years. Though, now that I think about it, I ain't done the back by myself. Would you mind?"

Nick leaned against the doorframe, not wanting to turn him down, "You sure about a mohawk?"

"Hell yeah! I looked so dope! Sucked when my ma shaved it for my cousin's wedding."

Nick stood, if he insisted, then so be it. "Clippers."

Ellis smiled, "Thanks! You can cut hair, right?"

Nick took his head and tilted it forward, "Yeah, in my family, we only trust each other with our hair. Even for my big sister's wedding."

Ellis sat still, for the most part. Whenever Nick got close to his nape, giggles bubbled from his throat and he scrunched up. Nick had half the mind to tug his earlobe playfully and tell him to sit still, like he would to one of his cousins or siblings.

He pet the peach fuzz, "Shouldn't this be shorter?"

"Nah, I like the sides long. I shaved stripes in last time, could-"

Nick shaved the other side, "No." He cleaned around El's ears and grabbed scissors, "How much off the top?"

"Inch and a half."

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