A trip down pt.1

182 2 19

I'm pretty proud of this one! I had a lot of fun writing it and hope you enjoy SailorMaya! Also, final page count: 20 + 1/4 pages

Ship: Francis x OC

Warnings: Violence, traumatic brain injury, memory loss

Francis sighed, fiddling with the clip of his gun, not paying attention to what Bill was saying. He couldn't stop thinking about Callie, about the hospital she was staying at, about the bar fight she got roped into. It wasn't either of their faults, not really. They'd just been relaxing, her after a long day at work as gymnastics instructor and him as a warehouse stocker. They'd been conversing about his bike, she was interested in learning how to ride after being with him for the last two and a half years.

All of a sudden, there was a crash on the other end of the bar, shouting followed. Callie immediately withdrew, becoming silent as the dead at the growing commotion. A crowd had begun to form and Francis knew better than to stay. He grabbed Callie and tried to leave, but there was no way out and he lost Callie for a moment among the throng of people. He heard her shout, swiveling his head to the sound. His voice left at the sight.

Callie was in the small pocket around the two fighting men, stumbling to stand up, her frame completely hidden by the man she was behind. She looked up- gaze meeting his own. One of the men raised a barstool, swinging it at his opponent with all his strength. The man hiding Callie ducked and she took the blow. The wooden stool shattered as it came into contact with her skull with a crack that silenced the whole building. Callie collapsed and Francis all but tore a path through the crowd to get to her.

A pool of red bloomed under her, staining her long, brown, hair dark. Without thinking, Francis screamed. That set the whole bar off, people rushing to the doors to leave the crime scene, including the cause of this mess in the first place. It took 30 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. 50 if you counted the 20 minutes of screaming and shouting from him it took for someone to actually call. Francis cradled her body, using a (once) grey hoodie to put pressure on the massive gash on her skull to hopefully quell the bleeding. The EMT's took her and his jacket away, telling him to follow them to the hospital.

For 2 months after the initial visit, he wasn't allowed to see her due to 'not being family'. When Francis was finally granted access to her room, she was comatose, her head wrapped in bandages. The staff barely let him see her- the room was always 'too crowded' with her parents. He asked, again and again, if she'd be okay, and every time he'd be brushed off and told it was medical information not of his concern. Francis hated their stupid rules, and their stupid coats, and their stupid attitudes. He wanted to punch every doctor in that goddamned hospital.

He sighed, running a hand down his face. Francis knew he wasn't helping anyone by reminiscing over his comatose girlfriend. Still, he couldn't keep her from his mind. In his heart, he prayed that she'd been able to wake up before the infection got too bad and get out with her family. But, his naturally pessimistic mind told him his hope was useless.

"Francis!" Bill called from inside.

Francis jolted up, "What do you want, old man?"

Bill crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe, "Have you even bothered to listen to a single thing I've said?"

Francis shrugged, a shit-eating grin on his face, "Can't say that I have."

Bill sighed, "Enjoy getting eaten out there, then. I ain't repeating myself."

Francis rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"Can you give it a rest?" Louis shouted from inside, "Both of you need to calm down, this shit isn't helping anyone! All you're doing is hurting the group."

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