Tough love (Nsfw)

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Happy birthday SailorMaya!!! I finished this waaayy early (Aug 28th) but I wanted you to wake up to your birthday present so I postponed posting it 'til today! I didn't want you to get a birthday gift almost a month in advance, that shit sucks.

Ship: Francis x OC

Warnings: Rough sex, sex toys, and some mildly kinky activities!

Also, fyi, Francis is a trans dude and his bottom bits get referred to as pussy and lips, folks who that will offend turn away now!


Callie sighed, slamming the door behind her. She brushed a few loose locks from her forehead, trying to will away her oncoming headache. Callie looked at her phone, frowning as she paused her favorite song and tugged out the earbuds. One of her good friends, Jem, had been extra hard on her ass for the last few days, and Callie couldn't keep muffling her anger. They'd fought and both left the argument boiling over with rage. Callie wanted to calm down before she'd gotten home, she didn't like Francis seeing her so upset.

First, and most obvious, she'd tried to meditate the anger away, then a relaxing car ride, then her favorite food, and finally her most relaxing playlist. All had failed her, instead feeding the angry itch still burning him her chest. She sighed, falling face first onto the couch and screaming into the cushions. Hell, that provided more relief than anything she'd tried today. Callie turned her head to face the tv, turning it on for some white noise as she settled down to wallow in her anger.


Francis opened the door and peered inside the apartment. He slipped in, remaining as quiet as he could, and set his and Callie's food down on the counter. Across from the kitchen, he saw her legs and small feet popping out from one side of the couch, the tv playing some game show that Callie would never watch. Francis sighed, going around the counter to investigate for himself. He found Callie face down on the couch, shoes not even off, and hair tangled in a messy ponytail. She clearly hadn't had a good day.

Francis shook her shoulder. "Hey grumpy. Come on, get up, your food's here."

He received a long grumble in response.

"Callie, if you don't stand up, I'm going to take that as an invitation to eat your food for you."

Her head shot up. "No! Francis!"

Francis laughed. "There you are! Took you long enough."

Callie shook her head, peeling off the couch. "Whatever."

They ate in silence, Callie's frustration poisoning the air and making it heavy and awkward. Francis shuffled in his seat, watching her take her anger out on her food. He sighed, cleaning up the aftermath of their meal, knowing he was going to have to be the one to calm her down. Callie plopped back down on the couch, folding her arms, contemplating whether or not to bury her face again or lie on her back. Francis came up behind her, placing his large hands on her shoulders and massaging the taut muscle beneath.

Callie sighed, leaning into the touch. Francis gently tugged her hair from it's ponytail, running his fingers through the soft brown waves as he admired them. He always loved her hair down- even if it frustrated them both sometimes. It was gorgeous, always making Callie prettier, even if Callie didn't see it herself. Francis scratched her scalp, watching his girlfriend relax with the gentle touch. He pulled his hand from her har, coming around to kneel by her feet. Francis tugged off her heels, knowing that, as much as she loved them, her feet were surely aching from the pinch. He kneaded the muscles and bones of her foot, hearing her sigh with relief and wiggle the blood back into her tiny toes.

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