Chapter 15

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"Good luck." I said as Mal left the room. "So little one, what should we do? Oh, I know how about we have some fun, I believe we have some toys for you to play with, and once you get all tired up and ready for your first nap of the day I can get some work done."

Beatrice made some baby squeaks as she was in agreement with me, I laid her on her bassinet so I could set everything up on top of my bed. She started to cry the second I put her down, she really wanted all the attention.

"I hear you honey, just a moment!"

I set everything on top of the bed and then quickly went to grab her. I laid her on top of the bed in her little gym with hanging toys and rattling's, and I laid down next to her. She instantly was mesmerized with everything, her little green eyes opened wide and started to shimmer, she then started to make loud happy squeaks, kicking her legs and making the effort to reach the toys. I grabbed my phone and recorded a video, off her and me playing.

"Let's show mommy how good you are playing in your new gym, and how good daddy's doing on his first-time taking care of you all by himself."

All the excitement of the playtime made me have to change her diaper, clean her and dress her all over again. This was the part that I was not very fond of, the first few times I even had some vomit reflexes but as Mal said it, I "nailed it like a king". She was only a week old, but I think I've already changed about 100 diapers, and practice makes it easier.

After I changed her, she was starting to get grumpy, but it wasn't with hunger, Mal left 1 hour ago and Beatrice now eats every 4 hours, so my paternal instincts say she's in need of her nap, so I sat on the rocking chair and started to tell her a story to fall asleep.

"I could tell you any old story from old fairytales, but they are not very interesting. How about I tell you about the day I took your mom horseback riding on the beach at sunset. No matter what your mother tells you, I'm the romantic in this relationship. This was after my coronation, during our summer break, I was already out of her love spell, but in a way, I was even crazier in love with her than when I was under her spell. One afternoon, I picked her up from Auradon Prep and took her to the beach, she was very afraid of the horse and the horse of her, I believe he sensed she was more than just a girl, even though none of us know that she was a dragon, so instead of having one horse for me and another for her, I helped her climb on mine and we ride on the shore at high speed at first and then slower when the sun was setting. At first, your mother was afraid, she kept her eyes closed, but when she opened and saw that she was safe, I think for the very first time I saw a genuinely happy, kinda of the childish smile on her. She denies it but, I'm pretty sure that day she fell in love with me, she just didn't want to admit it."

She fell asleep instantly, so I carefully laid her on her stroller and took her to my office, so I could sign the rest of the paperwork I had to do and also prepare the council meeting I scheduled for today, we would tell every member of the council what was happening in the kingdom. I only wrote a paragraph, because I needed Mal and Jane to let me know if we have some new information or not. I finished writing and signing everything there was and print all the documents we needed for each council member, and the official document for everyone to sign.

In the meantime, I was doing this Mal had texted me that she was on her way, I texted her back saying everything was under control and that she was asleep. Once I finished everything, I asked Lumiére to set my office for the meeting and then took the stroller back to my room, on the way there I crossed paths with Mal.

"Hey, there momma." I said.

"Hi daddy, you look good with that stroller."

"I know, I look good in everything."

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