Chapter 17

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These past few years, since I've started Vet school, have been the toughest of them all but also the most rewarding, I still had 2 more years in front of me, but those were more practical experiences than just theory classes, it's crazy to think that in just 2 years I'll be a doctor. Jane is already working in Auradon Prep, she started a Magic class to teach the new generation of Auradon kids how to properly use magic, I have always believed she was capable of great things, but now she was more confident about herself and I find that very appealing in her.

Jane and I were currently living together in a tiny loft in the center of Auradon city, this was both of us would be halfway to both schools, Auradon Prep and Auradon University. This past month I have been at home all day studying for my exams, I only leave the loft to go walk Dude.

Today I woke up early to start studying earlier, my last exam was tomorrow morning, so today it was all about making that last effort. I let Jane sleep late, I checked if she had any alarm on her phone, she did have an alarm at 9 am, it was half-past 7 am, so I just let her sleep. I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower to wake my body up, then got dressed in my "home clothes" and finally left the loft to go walk Dude and buy my coffee and the breakfast for Jane and me, it usually was bagels. I got home at 8 am, sat at the dining room table with my computer, my notes, a clear notebook, my cup of coffee, and my bagel. I left Jane's bagel and her cappuccino on the kitchen counter and started studying.

Time flew by and shortly after I started studying Jane's alarm went off, I heard her groan and couldn't help but laugh, I got up to go take her out of bed.

"Good morning dear." I said caressing her hair.

"Good morning." She said turning on her back, I had my hands on the bed, one on each side of her torso.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Better, I think. Are you studying already?"

"Good, glad the tea I gave you last night worked. Yeah, I started an hour ago."

"Yes, it helped thanks. Last exam tomorrow, right?"

"Last exam of this semester."

"You got this honey, I believe in you."

"Thank you. I left you breakfast on the kitchen counter, how's your day going to be today?"

"Well, I have a class to teach at 10:15 am at Auradon Prep and then is the same as every day, go to the Enchanted lake with Blue and Tinker Bell to talk to Nimue, then report it to Mal and Ben, go back to Auradon Prep to work and then come home."

"Busy day."

"Yeah, it is. Oh, almost forgot we need to buy Beatrice a gift, her christening is in 2 weeks I think."

"How about a puppy?"

"We are not giving a one-month-old baby, a puppy has a gift."

"Why not? I think she will love it."

"Because she is just one month old. I asked my mom what kind of gifts we should give her, it usually is clothing, sometimes a simple toy. On the baby store down the street, I saw they have a onesie with the word angel on it, and an angel doll in fabric."

"Okay, during my lunch break I'll go there and buy something."

"Thank you, well I better get ready, and you need to go back to studying."

Jane got up and went to the bathroom and I went back to my studies. I put on my recording of the class to add some final notes to my previous ones. After Jane got ready, she grabbed her bag and her breakfast, kissed me goodbye, rubbed Dude's belly, and left the house.

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