Chapter 19

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Mal's green eyes, which most of the time are vivid and happy, now showed only fear and sorrow, the news I had just given her clearly weren't the ones she wanted, but I wouldn't lie to my own daughter, those days are behind me now. I gave Beatrice back to Mal's arms when she sat on the couch.

"How much dark magic those she has?"

"Not much, it took a while for the ember to detect it."

"Can you see if it's from a curse?"

"Honey, dark magic is dark magic, it doesn't matter how it got in her."

"My little girl, she can't live with this, I don't want her to struggle with this as I did."

"Wait a minute." Hadie said.

"What?" Mal asked.

"Isn't it possible she has dark magic because Mal does to dad?"

"Smart boy, I was just getting there."

"Wait, she has dark magic because of me? I did this to her?" Mal's aura completed changed, she was getting more nervous and anxious, and the baby felt that Beatrice immediately started to cry.

"Mal, you need to calm down and don't be so nervous, it's affecting your daughter. Hadie take the baby, so I can talk to Mal."

"Humm and what do I do with the baby?" Hadie asked sacred as a kitten.

"No need." Mal said standing up and rocking the baby, while humming a song, the baby soon stopped crying and fell asleep. Mal put the baby in Hadie's arms and sat down next to him. "Okay, explain everything to me like it's my first day dealing with magic. Mom brain is messing with my way to be rational."

"Okay." I grabbed a chair and sat in front of Mal and began to explain everything. "Let's start from the beginning you, being the daughter of your mother, have magic within you and your mother's magic was dark and so is yours. Your mother had the ability to get into people's minds and taunt them, so I believe what you dreamt was just that, a bad dream, it was a way for your mother to taunt you."

"Okay, so Beatrice's black magic could be because I have black magic and passed it on to her genetically?"


Mal took back the baby into her arms and swaddled her to put her into the baby chair.

"We need to go back to the castle, this is something I need to discuss with Ben."

"What is?" Hadie asked, he was clueless, but I knew what was going through Mal's mind because it was something that had crossed my mind when she was an innocent baby.

"Taking the magic from her."

It was a bold move, taking someone's magic, could be very risky, and in the future, Beatrice could retaliate but it wasn't my place to say it was a bad idea, so I just grabbed my car keys.

"I'm ready when you are." I said. "Hadie go grab your things."

"Wait, I'm going too?"

"You're not staying here alone." I said.

"Don't worry Hadie, dad and I are going to Camelot in the afternoon, you can stay with Ben and the baby, maybe Ben could give you some advice about girls."

"Girls? What girls?" I asked surprised.

"MAL!" Hadie said.

"Hadie, what girls?" I asked again.

"I'm going to get my stuff." He said going to his room.

"Mal, what girls?"

"Stay calm dad, he just has a crush. His 13 years old, he's starting to look at girls now."

Mal grabbed her coat and the baby chair, Hadie came back from his room with his backpack and headphones on, in full teenager mood, I was not ready to be a parent of a moody teenager.

I got in the car, Hadie was in the passenger seat next to me and Mal sat on the back seat with Beatrice, I started the car and drove to the castle. It still surprises me how everything is now, thanks to Mal, she changed everything and now thanks to her and Ben there will be a new generation of people who will only know the isle of the lost through history books.

We got to the castle in under 20 minutes, as we arrived there were already had a row of staff waiting for us, or for Mal and the baby.

"Welcome back your majesty." Every member of the staff said bowing when Mal exited the car.

"Lumiére, is my husband still working?"

"He is still in his office, but I believe his majesty is finishing his work."

"Thank you, could you call his office and say we are arriving."

"Of course, your majesty."

Hadie and I followed Mal to Ben's office, I will never understand royals and their intense need for staircase after staircase, there just too many.

"Hi, honey."

"Mal, you're back! There are my wife and princess. Hi Hades, hi Hadie."

"Hello, Ben." I said.

"Hi, Ben." Said Hadie.

"So, how was everything?" Ben asked as he took his daughter in his arms.

"Dad, want to explain?"

"Sure." I said and began to explain what I had found and what that would mean, surprisingly Ben was clearly more calm than Mal when receiving the news, I guess all this work as a King for years has given him the ability to receive bad news and still remain calm.

"But that doesn't mean she will be evil, we will educate her to know how not to given in to dark magic."

"I had another idea." Mal said.


"That we take the magic out of her."

I saw confusion in Ben's eyes, and I saw that he didn't fully agree with Mal's idea, so I took Hadie out of the room, so they could have a conversation in private. However, my curiosity was bigger than that and I stayed behind the closed door so I could at least hear what they said.

"Dad, aren't we going downstairs?"

"I just wanna see what they decide."

"Mal will tell you after, now come on dad."

"I'll go if you tell me all about that crush of yours."

"That's blackmail! That's not good parenting."

"Well, I'm still new to this so, I think I'll stick with my proposition."

"Fine." Hadie finally gave in. "Let's go." He said.

"Wait a moment. Not a sound, damn these noise-proof doors. Let's go little devil." I said putting my arm around my son's shoulder. 

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