Chapter 40

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It was with a heavy heart that I saw the ambulance with my wife and baby boy leave, I know they were both in the best hands possible, but my heart sank watching them leave without me. I felt Hades putting a hand on my shoulder, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was containing.

"They're going to be fine," he said.

"I know, and now it's time to go get my little girl," I said.

"I'll drive you there."

"Thank you, Hades. And, by the way, it's a baby boy."

Hades smile grew wider and his eyes flickered with emotion, didn't expect to see the god of death to be such a softie at heart, guess that's where Mal takes it after.

"Congratulations Ben, I can't wait to meet him."

"Thank you, Hades."

"How are you going to break the news to your parents and Beatrice?"

"To my parents, I'm going, to tell the truth, for Beatrice I have no idea, she doesn't understand much I can use that in my favor."

"She might be just 4 years old, but she is a very smart girl."

"I know, that's why I'm so nervous."

We got into Hades' car and drove to the place my parents were staying with Beatrice, it was Mal's, Evie's, Carlos's, and Jay's old house. He parked right outside the house, and I got up to the loft. I ranged the bell and waited for someone to open the door, it was my dad, he was so surprised with the sight of me he just stood there, until it finally hit him, and he hugged me.

"SON!" he hugged me.

"Hey Dad," I said.

I entered the loft and saw my little girl sitting on the couch with my mom watching some tv, when I got in, they turned their faces to me, and my little girl's face when she saw me was priceless, her eyes grew wider and glittered, her smile was ear to ear. She got up from the couch and ran towards me, I kneeled to wrap her in the tightest hug I could.


"Hi princess," I said wrapping my arms around her tiny torso, she wrapped her little arms around my neck tightly.

"I missed you, daddy," she said, in the sweetest voice I could ever hear.

"I missed you too my sweet girl."

We stayed in our hug for several minutes until my mom spoke.

"Can I give my son a hug?"

"Yes, nanna."

"Look who's at the door princess," I said.

"GRAMPA HADES!!" she ran towards him, and he lifted her up and swirled her around hugging her.

"Hello, my little devil," Hades said.

My mom wrapped her arms around me, and I could just tell she was on the verge of tears.

"Common mom, don't cry."

While Hades had little Beatrice distracted, I gave my dad a signal to join me and mom. We went to the back of the living room to speak without Beatrice earing it. I told them all about the fight and that Auradon was safe from the dark witches, but I had sacrificed myself to save Mal. I told them all about the underworld and how Mal, Hades, Hadie, and Uma saved me.

"You are just like your father, sacrificing yourself for the love of your life, and then it's up to us to save you," mom said.

"I'm really glad Mal saved you son."

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