Chapter 1

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I ran out of the room, my fists were clenched, I could feel all of my muscles stiff with the anger I had inside me. I had my emotions on the surface of my skin, my sight was all blurred with the tears that formed in my eyes, I don't know if they're sad tears or angry tears, but all those tears made me stop and lean against the wall, punching it.

"Son, stop!" I heard my dad say as he put his hand on my shoulder, embracing me in a hug. "I know you're hurting and angry but that won't do you any good."

"Your father is right, we need to find Audrey. I lost my chance seeing Mal grow up, I'm not going to let that happen to you and your daughter." Hades said, and probably for the first time ever, I saw true guilt and sadness in his eyes.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes and turned to face everyone who followed me to help.

"How do we find Audrey, I mean The Queen of Mean, anyway, how will I get my daughter back?" I said.

"I can try and find any source of dark magic." Jane said.

"Or you could just ask Audrey, she's right there with Harry." Uma said. I turned around and saw indeed Audrey with Harry.

"AUDREY!" I screamed, walking rapidly towards her.

"Hi, Ben, congratulations! How's Mal?"

"Stop that, where is my daughter?" I asked angrily.

"Hum aren't you supposed to know that?"

"Stop playing games and tell me. You puffed yourself into the room and took her."

"I don't know what kind of accusations those are Ben, but you're wrong. I've been with Audrey all day." Harry said.

"But we all saw her take the baby." Carlos said.

Everyone was arguing, no one was understanding, and this wasn't getting us anywhere. The more time we spent here arguing the less time my daughter had.

"STOP!" Hades said. "There's only one possibility here, Audrey did you use a spell to make all the bad out of you?"

Audrey closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she didn't have to answer because with that look on her face I knew the answer already.

"Yes, I did." She said. "But my dark side is trapped inside a mirror."

"Well, apparently not." Uma said.

"Oh no, Ben I'm so very sorry. Please what can I do to help." Looking at Audrey, she was truly heartbroken with the news, her sorry was as sincere as the one she said when Hades brought her back to life.

"You can start by telling us where your darker self is." I said.

"I wish I knew." She said.

"Wait a minute, she said something about a spell, right?" Jane said.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I might be completely mistaken, but I studied that if your magic powers are down, they can be upgraded if you go to a place that still has recent magic powers, so my guess is that The Queen of Mean is at fairy cottage." Jane explained her thought.

"She's right, when you separate yourself, both halves share the magic powers, and if what I'm thinking is right that girl will need a lot of power to do the spell she intends to." Hades said.

"What spell is she going to do?" I asked.

"There are only 2 spells in which a newborn baby is needed, so it's either a portal opener spell or a time-travel spell. Either one of them is really bad so we better hurry." Hades said.

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