Thirteen Strings | Prologue

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The early morning sun beamed through your open window while you stared outside at the quiet street. The city wasn't far from where you lived while you spotted the tall skyscrapers in the distance, however, the quiet was almost deafening while you balanced your pen on your upper lip, leaning back into your chair. Despite the raking of your brain, you tried your best to figure out what was the best approach to this letter - a letter to your memories. It was a suggestion to exercise how you could process and manifest your emotions, to see and express them on paper, however every time you've tried with each passing day, you hit a brick wall.

How were you supposed to start this letter? Where do you start? What do you need to report to yourself? There were too many questions questioning you on how to approach this rather than what material to draw from. And though it was an exercise, it felt overdue. It was a quiet town, and there were too many memories to ponder through.

You exhaled, about to give up on another day until the buzz of your phone captured your attention. You rarely received any texts, at least from those you haven't spoken to for a while. But when the name appeared on its screen, it brought back a flood of memories, surprised and ecstatic of the impromptu invitation.

You returned the text, agreeing to a meet in the city while you readied yourself for the trek to the rendezvous point. Perhaps this was the opportune moment to reflect, you thought, while you walked up to the station, listening for the next train to arrive.

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