Thirteen Strings | The Dragon: Hatori Sohma

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You jumped at the sight of the door open to find a tall man in a large coat, his hair masking his right eye from your vision. The pounding in your chest wouldn't cease. Ever since that afternoon with Momiji, you had encountered an overwhelming string of events, ranging from the immediate quarantine of your person amongst all of Momiji's family members who attended the school. It was almost a crash course explanation into the situation, one that included the suggestion to knock you out by the orange-haired student.

After deliberation and an awkward situation when Momiji returned unclothed, you sat on this stretcher at a quaint medical centre run by another Sohma family member, Hatori.

You began to wonder how many cousins existed in this family.

"Oh? It's you," he uttered nonchalantly before shutting the door. "The one Momiji talked about."

"Did he say something... bad?" You asked nervously, clasping your hands together to stop them from fidgeting.

"No, just that you're the cause of this problem we have to deal with." Hatori turned to you with a judging eye despite its aloof gaze. "I'm sure someone has explained to you what comes next."

You turned to the man who fixed his sleeves, approaching you quietly before his hand reached for your forehead. His palm engulfed your vision, leaving you stiff in place. The rest of his family, those students from Kaibara after the incident, had but vaguely explained what their cousin could do. A frightening thought to have memories taken away in an instant, a power unlike any other, at least in this world and in this lifetime. Through his fingers and the warmth of his palm surrounding your face, your eyes caught his own with an intensity behind them. Something in that aloof stare behind his hair was a hint of remorse.

"Wait," you piped, catching his attention. "What if I don't want you to."

"That's not my call," he replied succinctly. "The Head of the family had insisted... ordered that you should be eliminated."

Bold choice of words.

"But the others—"

"It's not their choice either," he interrupted once more, as if he were fulfilling a script in his head. "But as a physician, I have to ask these important things first." Your eyes never wavered from his, reading the way he looked towards you through the fingers that laid around the crown of your head. "Are you sure you want to hold this knowledge of us, suffering the consequences of breaking this promise to the Sohma family? Or would you rather live freely with no reason to shoulder this burden?"

You thought of his choice of words, while the intensity of his gaze put you in a trance. It was very familiar. You had seen this look before, time and time again.

"You've done this many times, haven't you?" You asked, catching his eye. "Letting people go."

"You speak like you know me," mused Hatori.

"I know someone like you, but that's a while back," you admitted. "I don't see how getting to know anybody from your family is suffering. Don't we all suffer as human beings? Life is suffering, but that's what also gives us the meaning of joy."

Hatori's hands lowered slowly from your forehead, feeling his fingertips gently pull away against your skin. It alleviated you from the impending choice you had to make. You smiled up at him, taking in a deep breath, a sigh of relief.

"I'll gladly carry whatever comes my way on my shoulders," you promised. "I may not be the strongest in the world, but I'll try. Nobody's perfect."

"You sound a lot older than you look," mused Hatori, his eyes suspicious.

"I feel like I've lived many years, but my life story isn't important. This may be out of my control if the family doesn't want me to be a part of their lives, but I'm only answering your question."

Hatori contemplated on your response, wondering how to present your choice and ultimately his to the Head of the family. Another one, he thought, falling back to his own choices he made in his past. Hatori raised his hand once more, causing you to flinch in anticipation, as if he would inflict pain by merely touching you again. To remove memories was a sad power, but instead, you felt your hair ruffled atop your head, played a little in his fingers.

"I approve," he replied with a stoic look on his face. "I'll take this up with the Head. Momiji was fervent to keep you."

"... wait what?" you uttered with the realisation of his words.

"But he's not the only one. You're different. Don't make me regret this, Ace."

You turned your gaze onto him, finding for a brief moment a small smile on his lips. You only smiled back something unspoken. At the very least, you avoided the inevitable end of meeting the Sohmas.

You weren't ready to end your story here.

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