Thirteen Strings | The Boar: Kagura Sohma

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Christmas was the season when the streets were laid with thin snow. The number of people that roamed was an awe-inspiring sight. Coloured bags, bright lights, and merry music played in the streets. Every year it felt different no matter where you were, but it was the company that dictated the experience every time.

"This is amazing!" Shrieked Kagura Sohma with excitement while the crinkle of bags swayed along her arms. "And then we can head into the clothing district!"

"I never would have guessed you a shopaholic," you mused, eyeing the brunette with a skip in her step.

"Well, Ritsu needed a few extra pieces."

Kagura was a loving and giving soul, always wanting to reach out to all those around her. Despite her rambunctious nature, she tended to the needs of others, yet you found something else underneath that bubbly exterior. Not malicious. You had thought to keep that away from tarnishing your friendship with the older girl, but you watched her grow and change somewhat thanks to Tohru Honda.

What it was you couldn't tell.

"Have you found everything on your list?" You asked, walking alongside the girl, her breath wafting in the cold while she trailed along the now crumpled page in her mittens.

"We're on the way to Ritsu's gift, and then there's Kyou," she mused.

"Kyou? I thought you would've found something for him already."

"Not yet."

Her tone was blunt and low, now distracted by the list in her hand. As if nothing else mattered, she only stared at the lines and her now smudged writing thanks to the light snowfall. You watched Kagura, hearing nothing else. For a while you pondered on Kagura's relationship with her distant cousin, finding her clingy behaviour now non-existent. Perhaps it was just an intense crush at first, at least you thought, but not a word of the matter was ever uttered.

"Do you reckon he needs warmer accessories?" You asked out of the blue, eyes on the snow around you. "I find him sleeping sometimes like he's a battery running out of juice."

"Ha! That's one way of putting it," mused Kagura, her mind imagining such a scenario.

"We could pick up some mittens and a beanie for him? He could afford to have more options for the winter."

You watched Kagura's reaction, her mind in thought about your suggestion. There was a forlorn look in her eye, something lost that she could never retrieve. You knew the feeling too well.

"Kagura?" You asked quietly.

"He's been good you know," she uttered, catching you unaware. "Kyou has been nothing but good to me, and I feel like I cheated him out of selfishness."

"Where is this coming from?"

"It's been here for a while."

You watched Kagura closely, her sadness still present in her face and her stride. Everything slowed for a moment while her bags swayed to and fro. Silence fell despite the cheer and the crowds buzzing around. Kagura was always a cheerful person, at least when you first met her with some "accidents" along the way. But like a flick of a switch, this bubbly energy diminished in some way. Not by chance you thought.

"Sorry if I brought something up," you apologized.

"Oh no! Of course, what's in the past is the past now," she dismissed with a wave of her hand and a smile as if the sadness lifted, disappearing as if it never existed.

"It's okay to feel like that."

Kagura was taken by your statement, wondering and confused.

"Whatever it was, a good memory or a bad one, it shapes you into the person you are now," you explained. "And I like that. It means you're human like everyone else."

However you imagined this conversation would go, you saw the light return in Kagura's eyes. Prying any further would only cause her distress, but hearing those words lifted her up. Whatever the situation was, all you could offer was a show of support.

She took it rather well.

"We're going to be the best of friends! You, me, against the world!" She exclaimed with her arm hooked on yours, soon pulling you in.

"Ah, careful!" You cried in panic, pulling yourself away from her, hands raised in defence. "No accidents, remember?"

Ever since the Momiji incident, you had grown to be extremely careful around each member afflicted by this supernatural curse. Temptation picked at your curiosity from time to time, but you did your best to avoid raising problems out in public.

Kagura giggled, now with renewed energy and perspective.

"Stop worrying so much, Bestie," she joked with her bright smile. "It's Christmas!"

As if the previous moment was just a memory, Kagura continued on the way through the snow with her list in hand. You followed after with your nose dug into your scarf, staving the chill from biting your skin. You couldn't help but smile at her cheer.

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