Thirteen Strings | The Snake: Ayame Sohma

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"Is this a good idea?" You asked anxiously while you stared at the intricate design of the front door, standing next to Yuki of all the Sohmas to have invited you.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," he reassured. "My brother's been very observant and interested in my life recently. It'll be good for him and his partner in crime to meet new people."

"Partner in crime?"

Suddenly in a fury, the front door burst open to reveal a spectacled beauty dressed in a flamboyant maid dress, her dark curls bouncing along atop her head while she eyed both Yuki and yourself by the front porch. She hummed deeply while she eyed you through her large glasses, almost eyeing every detail upon you.

"Um... hi," you meekly greeted, staring back into her eyes.

"You are just adorable!" She shrieked while she grabbed a hold of your hands. "Ayame, I've been hit with inspiration by this magical muse who's graced us on our doorstep!"

"Wait what?"

A chuckle caught your ear next to you, spotting Yuki's face with a crack of a smile, laughing at the spectacle. You eyed him while being held by the maid, a little frightened of this sudden greeting by the door.

"And what muse has given you this spark, my dear?" Called a voice from within watching a tall man appear from behind the maid.

Your eyes sparkled at the sight of this man's visage, his long white hair draped across his shoulders while his golden eyes stared right through you. He was beautiful, just like—

"Well I do say you are absolutely stunning," he mused, leaning over the maid and inspecting your form, his nose almost brushing against yours. His stare was mesmerising, almost holding you in a power before your eyes turned between him and Yuki, a few times at least.

"Meet my brother," calmly informed Yuki. "Ayame Sohma."

"Come along Mine, let's take them in for a proper fitting," chirped Ayame immediately afterwards before you felt the pull of the maid's hands drag you into the depths of their home.

"Wait, wait, wait!" you yelled fervently, your eyes pleading towards Yuki, watching that warm smile of his across his face, almost waving farewell. "You're not leaving me here alone with these people!"

"These people?" Gasped Ayame, almost dramatically in a twirl of his fine clothes. He stared back on you with his bedroom eyes, golden with a shimmer against the sunlight. That mesmerising snare caught you once again, sensing an intensity that matched the aura of his presence. It was almost as terrifying as Yuki's while he neared, breaching your space once more while his long slender fingers trailed along your jaw, delicate and smooth.

"We are dream makers, and you are the next one to experience the dream, Gorgeous," he cooed with a purr. "Nothing escapes Mine, and as such, nothing escapes me."

You swallowed nervously at his casual forwardness with very little sense of boundaries. And yet, despite the overture of his manners and actions, he was also a calm storm. He reminded you of someone with that coy and playful nature about him, and his eyes only validated that memory.

"Ayame's an idealist," explained Yuki next to you, breaking your gaze from the man and your thoughts. "Just let him have his way. Trust me."

"Now come along, the day doesn't wait," cooed Ayame again with a twirl into his home, releasing you from his hypnotic stare. Your arms pulled with Mine still with her hold on you. Her large spectacles shone brightly against the daylight coupled by that devilish smile she exuded with no shame.

"Yuki?" you called in panic while your feet dragged inside the large home.

"I'm right behind you," he reassured, walking calmly after.

"Come along Gorgeous, your palace awaits!" Yelled Ayame from within, his hands in a dramatic flurry while his large smile brightened the room.

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