Thirteen Strings | The Monkey: Ritsu Sohma

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As impromptu as the timing was, you found yourself bumping into someone unexpectedly, lucky that nothing serious came of it in the accident. Profuse apologies were met with awkward greetings before you joined in a stroll with Ritsu Sohma outside of their family estate on an errand for his mother's onsen. It was a wonder to see him dressed traditionally in a kimono of all things, but as time passed by he grew to dress the way he felt comfortable in.

You helped him in his errand, happy to take a few things on hand.

"Have you been careful of yourself?" You asked, walking beside him along the main road back to the family estate.

"As much as possible," he softly answered with a smile. "Mother's been anxious too, but... I'll be the head of the onsen soon. I'll need to be... diligent."

You smiled at his turn of phrase and thoughts. The slight pauses were all he needed to have his thoughts put together, to reflect even in that brief moment. It gave you cause to remember the first thing he said to you was unfortunately an insult when he meant no ill will. The constant apologies was a remarkable sight to behold in his demeanor.

"You're very brave, you know that right?" You inferred with a chirp, watching Ritsu stare back at you with surprise of your observation. "Tackling a responsibility like that from family is a big deal."

"Oh no, it's nothing," he immediately denied. "I mean it really is nothing, there's not much to it for a small thing."

"Don't sell yourself short. You were doing great."

"I'm going to be a failure."

And there it was. The spiraling. Ritsu had problems taking compliments when they were due and earned, always sending him into a self-deprecating spiral of proportions. If only you could dissuade and calm his nerves knowing the burden you carried for many years. Oftentimes you speculated on the timing, wondering when you would hear from him again. Your eyes drifted to your phone in your pocket. It had been longer than usual since he last contacted you.

"Ritsu, mind if you could take the bags from me?" You asked, a distraction from your thoughts.

"Oh of course, I'm so sorry for making you carry them," he apologized, hurriedly reaching out for the bags you had on hand until you gently pulled them away.

"On second thought, I'm fine."

"No wait, I can carry them. You don't have to, allow me please."

His hands flurried to snatch at the bags, actions demonstrating his thoughts out loud, only to find you evading his persistence. His need to please others, though with good intention, was a crippling affair. But with every day since you met him, he began to grow more out of his shell from under the shadows of others. Growth was such a complexity. There was never one true way to do so.

"Ritsu, do you hear yourself?" You asked again with scrutiny. "You don't have to be sorry. You don't need to be." Though your words struck with a harshness in its stead, Ritsu halted, eyes saddened and hurt by your own intentions.

"You didn't make me carry these bags, I was happy to."

It was a harsh lesson that he was building himself on top of, but it was one you've learnt as well for many years. Memories of a time long past continued to surge especially after Hiro Sohma became an indirect pawn in the mix. Life was unpredictable where you tread, where time continued to pass by in a whisper, yet never feeling any older but all the wiser in your story. Life was not permanent. Change was inevitable. He had taught you that.

A moment of clarity seized Ritsu mulling over your words, his hands now returned to his sides. No more flailing and downtrodden looks crossed his features, but a look of gratitude soon fueled the smile upon his face.

"Thanks Nugget," he quietly remarked with an offer of his arm, as gentlemanly as he could. Careful not to breach the personal space, you delicately laid your fingers upon his elbow, bags still draping across your own.

"Anytime," you answered with a smile.

Little moments took your fancy, recollecting these pockets of time to memory. Never was it for the grand and the adventurous that sparked your imagination. You grew to appreciate the quiet and the softness of one's company, such as Ritsu. Perhaps you had dulled in age, yet you were still a student on the brink of graduation. Such was life until it was time to move on.

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