Thirteen Strings | Epilogue

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You stepped off from the train station and emerged into the crowds, watching the number of faces walk by. Everyone went about their day, however, you immediately made your way to the exit, walking past the busy shop stalls. The crowd and the smiles brought back all those memories again, all of those faces, now having moved on with their lives, and hopefully for the better. You mulled on the thought while you stared at your phone screen, following your map until you found yourself in the large courtyard outside the train station.

Not to your surprise, you spotted a familiar tall figure waiting by one of the many tree partitions that decorated the courtyard with his golden eyes on you. It was still unnerving to see those slits for pupils every time he visited, but they always smiled.

"My logs for 1192131999," you uttered, handing your phone to the man. He graciously accepted your gift, his red glove grasping on its case before it transformed into a bulk. An old device replaced it, wound in glossy thin tape with a mechanical whirr. His thumb tested on the buttons that ran its side, large blocks that clicked loudly upon pressing with force. The tape slowly twirled, hearing the sound of your voice recounting years of memories in its thread.

"Really? You have to listen to it now?" You questioned, watching his signature grin pull his lips.

"Just had to be sure," he replied. "You have a tendency to prolong your reports. It makes my job just a little bit harder."

"I've been here for years. My charges come and go, despite being the one family. You know this better than most CQ."

"Yeah, you're right," he agreed. "You've been doing this for a long time." CQ smiled at your gesture before he stopped the device, pocketing it away underneath his cloak. "And it seems that everything is in order here."

"Balanced as it should," you remarked with a saddened smile. "You called at a good time. I think I'm ready to go home."

CQ watched your smile slowly fade, your arms wrap around themselves, and the look in your eye, dulling at the thought of those words you uttered. He only smiled while he looked around the train station, seeing the number of people come and go as they pleased on this fine weekend morning. The occasional meet and greet, and the cheerful greetings of friends and family alike only warmed his heart, before his eye landed on you.

"You've been under our servitude for a long time," he started, crossing his arms before you. "You've successfully looked after many Mains in the Dial. I'm even surprised about your treatment of 152832003."

"Don't get me started on that one," you warned with a wry and embarrassed grin. "It was only a short stint for reconnaissance."

CQ chuckled at your recollection of that experience, and yet his eyes saddened at the next thought that crossed his mind. "That's just the thing. Have you not noticed yourself over the years?"

You turned to him confused at his question, wondering what was going in that mind of his.

"How you've... grown," he continued. "Being stationed here in one place for so long has done that to you, and you've not only helped build a part of this Main, but you've built your own ties here. Embark on the Fleeting would only destroy them.."

"I'm aware," you clarified, still confused. "I've done it many times before. CQ, what are you saying?"

He only smiled, yet the sadness in his eyes twinkled before he laid a comforting hand on your shoulder, feeling his fingers squeeze a little. "You're ready to go home, because your home is here."

CQ's eyes glanced upwards past you before you followed his gaze towards a group of people standing by the train station's gates. Familiar faces, all grown from the years you had spent with them, laughing and conversing amongst themselves in the morning light. Your eyes widened upon spotting their faces. It had been a while since you had spoken with any of them, each and every one of them going their separate ways, but to witness a few who had come into town warmed your heart. A swell of happiness turned into tears that pricked the corner of your eyes, until you spotted the blond turn in your direction, waving his hand in the air.

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