Thirteen Strings | The Ox: Hatsuharu Sohma

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"Hey there, cute stuff!"

Whistles and catcalls followed you down the empty path of the city's park while you clutched onto your bag by your side. It was the end of another school day, however you stayed back longer than you intended cleaning the club room before leaving. Stand tall and walk with purpose, you thought, keep your eyes ahead. Yet those distant echoes followed you from behind, finally hearing the scuff of their shoes against the gravel pavement.

You exhaled deeply, trying to keep calm, ignoring the giggles and chuckles from the men on approach.

"What's the hurry? It's a beautiful night for a stroll," one spoke in jest.

"Here, let's help you out—"

You snatched your bag from their hands, keeping it close. "No thank you," you quipped, still on the march through the park.

"Hey, don't be like that," he cooed, stepping in front of you. "A little embarrassing of you to treat people like that, especially those older than you."

You ignored their remarks and tried to walk around them, yet with every turn, they would step in front of you, almost as if it were a game. One move you made, they mirrored, with a malicious smirk on their faces. Your heart thumped against your chest, feeling the sound of it in your ears and your breath quicken with panic. Your feet took off on their own, finding a gap between the two before their arms reached out and grabbed a hold of your bag, pulling you back.

"Let go of me!" you yelled between their snickers. "Leave me alone!"


A sudden shove sent one of your assailants flying across the pavement, crashing into the shrubbery that decorated the park. The other who still gripped your arm in the chaos quickly released you before he found himself gasping and choking. You hopped away, turning to find the man lifted from the ground, his toes barely scraping the pavement below him. Yet your eyes focused more so on the tall student that held him off the ground, his dual-toned hairstyle drawing your attention more so.

"Hatsuharu?" you murmured, watching the young man stare up at the man with a dark and sinister glare, and yet a grin accompanied it.

"If I see any of you around here again, I'll break your skulls," he threatened. "Now won't that be fun?"

The man quivered in his grip before Hatsuharu tossed him across the pavement, crashing into the other that was in mid-climb from the shrubbery. They slammed into the grass, disappearing through the trees until both you and Hatsuharu watched them run away out of sight.

Hatsuharu turned to you before you jumped at the sight of him, finding that crazed and rage-filled expression now non-existent.

"Eh?" He piped, staring at your uniform with an aloofness in his eyes. "You're from our sister school?"

"Don't you remember me?" you asked, confused by his confusion.

He only stared at you, his eyes portraying further confusion while they inspected your face. You chuckled a little, recalling his habits before you smiled up at him.

"Thank you," you spoke. "I'm never out and about at this hour."

"Yeah, Yuki mentioned you were running late today," commented Hatsuharu. "So I decided to keep an eye on you."

"So you do know me then?"

"Not really. Yuki just tells me things."

You nervously chuckled at the thought. The few times meeting Hatsuharu had taught you his lack of memory at times, but aside from his temper, you learnt his more chivalrous qualities despite his nonchalant way of showing it.

"But we've met a few times, or else I'm not that memorable huh?" You jested with a laugh.

"That's just me," he nonchalantly replied. "Maybe after a few more visits, I'll remember your face eventually."

Well, if there was one thing you wouldn't fault Hatsuharu for, it was his bluntness. He was every bit headstrong as what others had described him to be, but behind the hair, the clothes, and some of his piercings, deep down, he was a sweetheart.

"I'll walk you home," he offered, already on the move as he walked past you.

"No, you don't need to—"

"Last thing I want is Yuki worrying about you," he interrupted. "You're a nice person."

"Thanks... I guess."

You walked up beside him, side-by-side while he escorted you from the park and through the next few streets to your home. It was pretty silent for the rest of the walk. Hatsuharu said nothing, only filling the silence comfortably.

"So, you're not worried about me knowing?" You asked hesitantly, watching his lazy eye turn to you confused. "About your family I mean."

"It doesn't matter much to me," he replied. "You're not the only one who knows."

True, you had been told by Yuki that a close friend of his knew the secret as well, and like her, you were also exempt from being "eliminated" as being a risk. The thought of that mishap made it sound like the Sohmas were some Yakuza clan. Seeing Hatsuharu would make one think that way some of the time with his intense mood swings.

"Well, as long as you feel comfortable about it—"

"I'm surprised Hatori was convinced to not go through with everything."

You held your tongue at his words, processing what he had said until you felt his hand atop your head, patting it softly.

"Next time let any of us know if this happens again," he advised. "Don't go on your own Shortie."

You pouted at him, but couldn't contain the joy you felt from his heartfelt intentions, your lips tugging at a smile.

"Thanks Hatsuharu."

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