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Hey lovely readers. This is my second book on this account, but the first one I've done on my own. Anyway, here's the key.

Text- Dream


Darkness. All around me. Closing in, suffocating me. I felt cold. Trapped. I can't move. Why can't I move? Where am I? What's happening?

Suddenly, a voice rings out. It's a guy's voice. It's shaky and aging, yet still strong. He's talking to someone about something. About a Kili? Why does that name sound familiar? I've never met a Kili before. I would remember if Mom or Lydia had ever used a unique name like that anywhere. Just then, a second voice breaks through the void. He sounds younger than the first. A lot younger. Is this Kili? His voice is like nothing I have ever heard before. It's smooth, gentle even. His voice makes me feel safe, like I had known him my whole life. 

My finger twitches. I can move again! I start small, wiggling first my toes and fingers before slowly making my way to my head. I look around, not seeing anything. Everything is black. Not the calming black of a bedroom before one falls asleep, but the black of an endless void of despair and loneliness. 

I hear Kili's voice behind me. As I turn to face it, I try to call out. There's no sound. I try again. Still nothing... Well, the third time's the charm, I guess. I call out one more time. Like before there is no sound; however, the darkness begins to lift like fog in the sun. 

There, standing in the center of a meadow, was a group of people. Of the, what looked like, 15 figures, two seemed to glow. One was older with long, white hair and a whitening beard. His face was blurred like the rest of the group that he seemed to tower over. On the other side of the group, the second had shoulder-length brown hair. His back was to me as he talked with someone. This was Kili. Though I had yet to see his face, I was certain. 

The darkness seemed to be creeping in again making me start to panic. As the panic set in, I forgot that my voice was not working. I tried to yell, shout, anything. This time, however, sound left my mouth. A desperate cry for someone, anyone, to help left my lips. It seemed to reach only the ear of the brunette whose back was to me. He whipped around, but, just as I was about to see his unblurred face, a blinding light flooded my vision. The light and shadows seemed to have a battle. The light draws closer and the darkness, feeling threatened, swallows me only seconds before the light would have touched.

Hey, lovelies. So I am not completely rewriting this book, but I am doing some major editing. Before, this was a small dream sequence in the first chapter, but I have decided that I am going to make this into a real book soon. I will be leaving the character names as they are here, as this is a kili x reader from The Hobbit, but I will be making more of an effort. I love you all and thank all of those who have stuck by me through this tedious process that has been going on since 2020. I do read the comments and get encouragement and inspiration from them. I hope you all have a good night or day. And if any of you ever need me, for any reason, DM me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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