Eight Years Later

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Disclaimer: I do not own, nor am I affiliated in any way, with Glee

Note: This story is a sequel to my other Glee story 'Sick' though you do not need to read that one first to understand this one

            Kurt stood, a mug of hot coffee in his hands, as he stared out the window. He smiled as a pair of warm arms slid around his waist and Noah leaned against him.

            "Morning," Noah pressed a kiss to Kurt's shoulder.

            "Morning," Kurt smiled, turning in Noah's arms.

            Noah frowned at him, "You're pale, are you feeling okay?"

            "I'm fine," Kurt said, but Noah looked at him doubtfully. "Honestly, I'm fine."

            It had been eight years since Kurt went into remission, but still, every cough or cold he got set Noah on edge.

            "You've been saying you were fine for a couple days now," Noah said and Kurt smirked.

            "That's because I've felt fine for a couple days now," he said.

            "Would you please go see a doctor?" Noah asked.

            "Fine," Kurt sighed dramatically, "I'll make an appointment."

            "Today," Noah said, "Make one for today. I have a meeting this morning, but I should be able to get away early if you can get in today.

            Kurt groaned, but knew Noah would only keep bugging him if he didn't relent.

            "Fine," he said, "Now go. If you don't leave now you'll be late for work."

            Noah kissed him once more and then walked out the door. Kurt smiled gently and then went downstairs to his basement workplace. T&K Fashion was Kurt's pride and joy. He had started it right after he and Noah moved from Lima to LA and after only a year it was doing better than he had ever hoped. Kurt had kept his promise to Taylor and half the profits were donated to helping families with kids who had CLL. The only exception to this was the bandanas. Made specially for Cancer patients, all the profits went straight to CLL and Kurt made every one of them himself.

            Kurt sighed heavily and picked up the phone to call the doctor. He looked over some sketches as he spoke to the receptionist and made an appointment for later that day. he texted Noah to let him know and wasn't surprised when Noah texted him back almost immediately. The other man had probably been staring at his phone waiting. Kurt shook his head, smiling slightly, and got down to work.

Alright, so here we are! I've wanted to write this for a while, but I was really struggling with plot bunnies. Then I had some people give me some ideas and 'Moving On' was born! I have an idea of where this story is going and have written out several chapters so far. However, if there is anything you would like to see at some point in this story then let me know!

Originally I wasn't going to upload this chapter until March, but I decided to post it today as today marks me being on ff.net for six years! It's so crazy to me that I've been writing stories here for six years. It started off as just something I did for fun because I loved writing so much and it's literally inspired me to pursue writing as a career. Thank you so so much to everyone who has read any of my stories as well as to anyone who has favourited/followed/reviewed! It means so much to me so thank you!

For some reason I had a really hard time describing Kurt's company so I hope it made sense.

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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