We're Doing This

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            Noah had just gotten home from another long day at work when Kurt came rushing down the hall and threw his arms around Noah.

            "Hi," Noah laughed, "I'm guessing something good happened today?"

            "The social worker called!" Kurt exclaimed happily.

            "Already?" Noah said surprise, "We only called them a couple days ago."

            "The woman I spoke to said Shane and Maisie are a special case," Kurt told him, "She said we can go in tomorrow and meet with her."

            "We're really doing this?" Noah asked and Kurt's smile dropped slightly at his tone.

            "You still want to right?" Kurt asked, "I know this is sudden and we haven't really had a chance to talk about it, but you seemed really sure the other night and-"

            "Kurt, I want to do this, okay?" Noah interrupted, "I do, honest. I just wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly. But I do want this, honestly." Kurt nodded, looking relieved.

            "How about this: we have dinner and then we can talk about?" Kurt suggested.

            "Sounds good," Noah nodded. The pair made dinner and things were calm as they ate and told each other about their day. When they were done, they sat on the couch to talk.

            "So," Kurt started.

            "So," Noah repeated, "Tomorrow we're meeting with a social worker to talk about fostering two kids. Both of whom have serious illnesses.

            "Yeah," Kurt said simply and they stared at each other. "Are we crazy?"

            "Absolutely," Noah said and Kurt laughed quietly.

            "I just hate the thought of it Noah," Kurt said, "We've only met Shane for a few minutes and we haven't met Maisie at all, but the idea that these two kids were left because they were sick just me want to cry. And I know that there could be a perfectly good reason for it. I know their mother might not have been able to take care of them or couldn't afford to take care of two kids and she might've thought they'd be better off, but it still hurts."

            "I know," Noah said, "Tomorrow we'll meet with the social worker and talk about it. There's a lot of things we'll have to do and consider before we even get to talk to Shane and Maisie."

            "We're really doing this?" Kurt asked, repeating Noah's words from earlier.

            "We're doing this," Noah nodded.

Chapter 3! I know that social workers and social services does not work this quickly. However, I didn't want to have twenty chapters of Kurt and Noah waiting on social services so the whole adoption process will be obnoxiously sped up.

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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