Perceptive Children

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"How long did mommy say we have to stay out here?" Ian asked.

"Until she comes and gets us," Mia replied.

Ian sighed dramatically and flopped back onto the grass. He didn't want to stay outside. His throat was starting to hurt and he'd left his book inside.

Come on Ian, quit sulking and come play," Patrick said as he and Mia kicked a soccer ball back and forth.

Ian sighed again. He didn't want to play soccer, but he didn't want to sit here bored either so he got to his feet and joined his brother and sister.

"Do you think daddy's in trouble?" Ian asked.

"Why would he be in trouble?" Patrick said.

"Because he didn't come see Kurt, Noah, Shane, and Maisie with all of us," Mia told him.

"But he had to work."

"He said he had to work," Mia said knowingly.

"Daddy and Kurt have been fighting for ages," Ian said.

"What d'you think they're fighting about?" Patrick asked, glancing at the house.

Mia and Ian both shrugged. They'd all seen their parents whispering to each other and they hadn't looked too happy. However, every time Burt or Carole had seen their children they'd go back to smiling and try to act like everything was normal.

"I hope they make up soon," Ian said.

"They will," Mia said confidently, "Mommy's going to make them apologize and make up. We're never allowed to fight for this long so they won't be either."


They turned and saw their mother standing at the back door. She hadn't even said 'come back in' yet before Ian was running back to the house.

Carole laughed as Mia and Patrick followed their brother.

"Is everything better now mommy?" Patrick asked, pausing next to her in the doorway.

She smiled gently at him. "Yeah sweetheart, everything's fine now."

So there we go! That's what the triplets were up to during the last chapter. I realized there really hadn't been any interaction with them in ages. Like, they've been mentioned a few times, but we really haven't heard from them so I was excited to get back to them this chapter.

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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