The Fall

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            "Who are these people coming tomorrow?" Maisie asked, following behind Kurt as he carried the laundry over to the couch.

            "They're friends of mind and papa's from high school," Kurt told her, "And some family too and they're all very excited to meet you and your brother."

            "Really?" Maisie asked, climbing up onto the couch next to the pile of clothes.

            "Yup," Kurt smiled at her, "When we told them you guys might be coming to live with us they were all so excited and they've been calling and calling, wanting to meet you two."

            "What if they don't like us?" she asked quietly, "Why wouldn't they like you?" Kurt asked and she shrugged. Kurt put down what he was folding and crouched down in front of the girl.

            "They are going to love you," he told her, "You know how I now?" She shook her head.

            "Because papa and I love you," he said and she smiled, "We loved you before we even knew you and I know everyone coming tomorrow will love you as well, okay?"

            She nodded, smiling happily as she hugged him.

            "Now," Kurt said, "Before they get here this house needs to be clean. So, can you go call your brother and then you guys can help me finish the laundry?"

            "Okay!" Maisie slid off the couch and ran over to the bottom of the stairs. "Shane! Come help me and daddy with the laundry!" She ran back over to Kurt, smiling proudly and he laughed.

            "Not exactly what I meant, but I guess that works," he said. Kurt was folding the clothes and passing them to Maisie to put in the basket when suddenly there was a loud bang, followed by a scream.

            Kurt dropped what he was holding and ran into the hall where his heart dropped into his stomach. Shan was lying on his side on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Kurt ran forward and dropped to his knees beside the boy.

            "Oh my god," he said, hands hovering uselessly as Shane cried, "Um, alright, um, hang on."

            Kurt pulled out his phone and dialled 911, running his hand gently through the eight year old's hair.

            "Shhh, it's okay," Kurt murmured as he waited for someone to answer, "It's going to be okay."

            He waited anxiously as the phone rang, doing all he could not to panic. Kurt nearly jumped for joy when someone finally answered.

            "Yes, hi, hello? I need an ambulance, my son fell down the stairs," Kurt said, "He's eight. Um, I don't know... Shane, where di you fall from?"

            "Near- Near the- the bottom," Shane sobbed, "I- I slip- slipped!"

            "He says he slipped near the bottom," Kurt told the operator, "I know it doesn't sound that bad, but- This is a real emergency! I'm not an overreacting parent! He has OI! His bones are like glass! So what sounds to you like a little fall is very serious for him! Now, are you going to send an ambulance or not?"

            It felt like forever, but eventually, the ambulance arrived.

            "What happened?" the first paramedic asked.

            "He fell," Kurt said, "He, um, he has Brittle Bone... I didn't want to move him in case I hurt him more."

            "Alright," she nodded in understanding and then turned her focus back on Shane.

            "Hi sweetie, what's your name?"

            "Shane," he sniffed miserably.

            "Alright Shane, I know this is scary, but you're going to be okay," she said, "We've going to take you to the hospital and get you all fixed up."

            "O- Okay," she said, "Can my- my daddy and sister come with me?"

            "Of course," she smiled kindly at him, "We're going to put you on the stretcher now."

            The next few minutes were the worst of Kurt's life as he stood back and watched the paramedics trying to help his son.

            "We're just about ready," the paramedic told Kurt, "If you need to grab anything do so now."

            Kurt nodded and rushed downstairs, pulling open a cabinet drawer. He pulled out a folder with all the papers they had for Shane before running back upstairs.

            "Where's Maisie?" he said, looking around for the little girl. He noticed the bathroom light on and went over to find her standing on her tiptoes, trying to reach the cupboard.

            "Daddy, I can't reach," she said.

            Of course, Kurt realized. If they took Maisie anywhere she needed a face mask on. They were going to the hospital, the one place she would need it most of all.

            He grabbed one and slipped it onto her before hurting out.

            "We're ready," the paramedic said and Kurt nodded. "Let's go."

            Kurt lifted Maisie into his arms and they hurried out to the ambulance.

I'm back! I took a bit of an unexpected break from all my fanfics because life kind of got in the way. I've had a lot going on and while I was still writing constantly, finding the time to type anything except blog posts wasn't really possible for a while.


Occasionally there will be times where I need to take a break from updates because there's other stuff going on, but usually I'll let you know in future.


So I was a little iffy about this chapter. I liked parts of it and I also wasn't crazy about parts of it, but I hope you liked it nonetheless!

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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