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            "He doesn't think we're taking this seriously," Kurt said as he and Noah sat on the couch. "He wants us to reconsider."

            "Did he say why?" Noah asked.

            "First he was saying that taking on two kids might be too much," Kurt said, "Which I understand. We've never even fostered before and now we're adopting two kids and my dad's got five so he knows how crazy life can get. But then I told him how Shane was sick and he said that would be even harder which I also know is true. But as soon as I told Shane and Maisie are both sick he actually got angry. I just don't get it. he said we might think we're trying to do something heroic, but were not. What does that even mean?"

            "Honestly babe? I have no idea," Noah said, "Do you want me to try talking to him?"

            "No," Kurt shook his head, "If he wants to talk then he can call."

            "Are you sure?" Noah asked. He knew how much Kurt hated arguing with his dad.

            "I'm sure," Kurt said firmly as he wiped at his eyes. "We have to focus on filling out papers so we can really get things moving."

            "So you still want to go ahead with the adoption?" Noah asked.

            "Of course," Kurt asked, "Why? Have you changed your mind?"

            "No, of course not," Noah said quickly, "We'll go ahead with our part and let the social workers do theirs and hopefully we'll be able to meet Shane and Maisie officially very soon."


            "Burt, what is going on?" Carole asked.

            "Kurt and Noah have decided to adopt," Burt said.

            "That's great!" Carole exclaimed happily, but her smile dropped at the look on Burt's face. "That is great, isn't it?"

            "They're adopting two kids," Burt said, "They've never had kids before and now they're going from none to two. As if that wasn't enough, both kids they're adopting are sick."

            "I'm still not seeing why this has you so upset," Carole said.

            "Two kids would be hard enough, but two sick kids? How are they going to take care of them? How are they going to afford them?" Burt ranted, "And what if something goes wrong? One of the kids has a blood disorder and the other has bones like glass. They don't know what it's like to deal with a sick kid and if something goes wrong they're going to regret ever doing this!"

            "Or nothing will happen," Carole said, "Sure, they're sick, but that doesn't mean something bad will definitely happen. And if it does, I don't think the boys will regret it. I think they'd be happy to have given these kids as good a life as they can."

            "This is a mistake," Burt shook his head, "They don't know what it's like to have a sick child."

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