Two Months Later: First Meetings

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            Two months. It had been two months since Noah and Kurt's first meeting with Amanda and it had been two months since Kurt and his father had spoken. Kurt and Noah had talked to Carole multiple times, and to the kids, but not Burt. They had told Finn, Rachel, and the rest of their friends about their decision to adopt and had received nothing but support. Mercedes had said to let them know when things were official and she would arrange a day for all the New Directions to visit.

            Well, today might be the day things officially started to become official. Today, Noah and Kurt would be meeting Shane and Maisie properly for the first time. They pulled up outside Amanda's office and looked at each other.

            "Ready?" Kurt asked.

            "Not by a long shot," Noah replied, smiling, "Let's go." They got out of the car and Noah took Kurt's hand as they walked inside.

            "Kurt, Noah, it's good to see you," Amanda shook each of their hands. "You ready for this?"

            "Is it possible to be ready for this?" Kurt replied and she smiled at them.

            "Follow me." She led them down the hall and stopped outside a doorway. She looked at them again and then opened the door.

            Inside sat two children. Shane looked almost the same as he did the last time except now he only had one cast on his wrist. Maisie had dark like her brother and, also like him, she was very small. She also wore a mask over her mouth and nose, like ones you would see in a hospital.

            Kurt and Noah had done some reading on both diseases the children had and knew that delayed growth and stunted height was often a result.

            Kurt and Noah slowly walked into the room and the two kids turned.

            "Shane, Maisie," Amanda said, "This is Kurt and Noah."

            "I remember you," Shane said, "I met you at the hospital."

            "Yes you did," Kurt smiled at him and then looked at Maisie. "And how are you?"

            "Good," she smiled shyly at him, "Are you going to adopt us?"

            Kurt looked at Amanda, unsure of what to say.

            "There's still a while to go before we can really say that," Amanda told the children, "But Kurt and Noah were very excited to meet you today and get to know you."

            "Okay," Maisie nodded and Kurt felt incredibly sad at how easily she accepted this.

            "I'm going to go sit over there while you all get to know each other," Amanda said and she walked over to the other side of the room.

            Kurt and Noah exchanged looks and then sat down across from the kids.

            "So," Noah said, "Are you guys in school?"

            Kurt smiled at Noah. yes, good, this was a simple enough question.

            "I'm not in school yet," Maisie said, "I'm supposed to start next year, but I don't know if I'm gonna be 'llowed to go."

            "How come?" Kurt asked.

            "The doctor says there's too many germs," Maisie said, "And that I might get sick."

            "Oh," Kurt nodded in understanding, "Well that's not so bad. That means you can stay home and do school instead and that's much more fun."

            She smiled shyly at him again and Kurt was happy that he'd seemingly said the right thing.

            "What about you Shane?" Noah asked.

            "I'm in school, but I don't go very often..." the boy said.

            "Why's that?" Kurt asked him.

            "Sometimes it's hard for me to get around," Shane said, "The floors are hard so when I fall I break something really easily... and the other kids think I'm weird..."

            "Shane is very smart though," Amanda said from the other side of the room, "Even with missing classes he can read and write several grades ahead of the rest of his class."

            "Oh, a little Einstein, huh?" Kurt said and Shane smiled slightly, his cheeks turning red. "Well, if things work out then we'll make sure to have lots of books for you, does that sound good?"

            Shane nodded, his cheeks still a light pink and Noah and Kurt smiled at him. They glanced at each other and knew what they were both thinking. This actually seemed to be going pretty well. They talked for a while longer before Amanda said the children had to return to their group home.

            "Did you two have fun talking to Kurt and Noah?" Amanda asked and they both nodded.

            "Kurt?" Maisie tugged on his hand and Kurt bent down.

            "Yeah sweetie?"

            "Will you and Noah please adopt us?" she asked, "I know we're a lot of trouble, but please?"

            Kurt's heart broke in that moment and he knew then that there was no turning back now. The kids were his and Noah's.

Alright! They've officially met Shane and Maisie! What do you think?

I actually had to go back and fix this chapter before I posted it because I realized I talk about some stuff in future chapters that hadn't been mentioned before in the story at all. So I hope it still flows okay!

Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think!

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