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First Chapter Pog.

Uhhhh I don't really know what to put here but warning is mention of cuts and tree climbing. Tree climbing is dangerous. 100% do not recommend. But yeah mention of bleeding and cuts and stuff is your warning.

603 words.

God another day with these idiots. Ever since I lost all my friends due to my corruption, life has been just me and my alter egos. Bribery and trickery is all they bother to do. I just want to run away, leave these idiots behind. Well at least make them weaker. I want to find someone like me. I want Friends. It's pretty hard, especially when everyone in the whole server had been told about your corruption and all avoid you. It's been this way for 5 years. It's honestly not fun. Three servers. Three whole servers I've been in. They all find out. They all ignore me. I change server. The cycle repeats.

I sat there, knowing if I think my thoughts would just be interrupted by them. I go over to a tree and start to climb it, the sharp branches and pieces of bark cutting my skin. The leaves tangled in my messy hair. The birds came down from the top and sat on my shoulders and head, the ones that couldn't fit sat on the branches. "You guys are Pesky birds." I giggle, my thoughts uniterrupted. 

I just want to escape, leave here, start anew, find someone like me. But you know you can't. There is nobody like you. Don't you get that? Will you ever understand Grian? Grain what do you even want? Simple. To ruin your life and take over. Isn't it easy. I've offered you so many deals Grian. None you accepted. Why? Because I'm not a power hungry maniac. That's a new nickname. Oh go away would you! No thanks. I don't think I want to.

I sighed and jumped off the tree branch and landed on the floor, my leg scraping down the trunk, making a massive gash in my leg. I ignored all the thoughts popping in and out of my head, my corruptions trying to plot. I re-entered my house and bandaged up my cuts and gashes. I take the leaves out of my hair and make myself look decent. I had one place I wanted to go.

I leave my house and just stand next to the server boarder, knowing I am able to go to the Server hub. I sighed and touched it gently, my hand not going through it. I was the only one to be allowed to go through and honestly it was the best thing ever.

But like I thought, their distressed and pissed voices echoed in my mind. "Don't do it. Your better off here. Alone. With us!" Grain shouted.

"Yeah! You don't need people!" Brian screeched.

This was followed by lots of begging and talking. I stepped through the barrier and they went silent. Alter egos can't access here. Thank god. I was never normally here, it was only when the egos were too much, and even then I never went too far in. I sighed and left the side of my portal. This is a good idea, right? I'm not doing anything dumb, am I?  Thoughts of doubt filled my brain but I kept on walking, knowing I would regret going back. I soon reached the centre of the hub, it being quite empty at the time. I glanced around at all the portals, shocked at how these were just the main servers. Dream SMP. Shady Oaks SMP. Hypixel.  The list went on and on and on.

I stood in awe, this was the biggest place I had ever seen.

 I felt a hand on my shoulder, the weight kind of heavy. I gulped slightly as I turned my head.

"Are you new around here?"



Alter Ego (A Hermitcraft AU) ((Currently On Hold))Where stories live. Discover now