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Chapter 8! Thank you so so much for reading! McFlan Clarice Corse, Mick on side.....................>

That afternoon I was eating cheerio's and listening to the radio. Starring out the window of the huge empty room. Grace was still out with her friends. I had hitched a ride from the beach back home. I watched as Rocky scurried up the street and I listened until he came stumbling into the house. Exhausted.

''hey babe!" G Summers said to him.

I continued chewing and looking until I hear someone's knock at our shared bedroom. '

'hello Mick. Your attorny would like to meet with you again but he is pretty busy today so he took time after work to discuss some very important matters with you! The detectives also have a lead on the case and they need to bring you in for your first interrogation after meeting with your attorny around 6:00. I promise everything will be oh kay hon.''

I nodded politely. G Summers smiled as she pulled my needle out of her pocket. She came over and sat next to me. ''this will hurt a little but you need your medicine!" she said slowly positioning my arm. She put the needle threw and inserted the clear liquid. Cold shivers traveled throughout my whole body. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. After the needle was released I sighed and grinned.

''good girl!" G Summers said smiling. She then exited the room. *************************************************************************

Later that evening G Summers and I crossed Grace at the door. She was stumbling about as if she were drunk.

''Grace!" G Summers exclaimed with a tone of disbelief in her voice. ''it is almost 6:00 o'clock! What are you doing just now getting home?''

Grace held up her index finger as if telling her mother to pause. She smiled and then held her stomach. Her smile faded away as she let out a groan and started to puke in the grass. G Summers shook her head and sighed.

''get inside the house! You are filthy and ridiculous!'' she said. Grace spit at her mother. Barely missing her arm. ''maybe you need some counsoling woman!" Grace said. Suddenly Rocky came running out of the house. '

'get goin mom, I got this,'' he said.

''why are you calling her mom??" Grace asked pointing a wavering finger at G Summers. The statement seemed to hurt her because she covered her mouth and gasped. Grace didnt seem to care at all as she let Rocky carry her into the house. G Summers and I both jumped into the car and sped off. Most of the ride was silent until G Summers started,

''i'm sorry for bring do angry in front of you, Mick.'' I looked over at her slowly and then nodded my head up...and down...up...and down.

''its...okay...'' I said.

She sniffled. ''as i'm sure you can tell...our family has LOTS of problems,'' she assured me.

''oh,'' I said.

''Well...you see...Richard and I married young. Too young. We were childhood sweethearts and we thought we could never part. But it seemed that after we got married everything went downhill from there. He was only 20 when we got married and I was 18. We were still living with our parents out in the country. Richard was living a bad lifestyle. Coming home every night like Grace did today. I later found out that he was sleeping with the towns women. He'd given the both of us a bad name. So, one day while he was sober I exploded on him and left him. When I exploded I mentioned the fact that he doesnt give me what I want. Before we married I had told him about having a family of our own. So, I left him even though we were only married 6 months. We didnt see each other again for 3 months when he appeared at my door step on a Sunday afternoon. He was dressed in a suit and his hair was slicked back. He looked good. He was holding something big in his hands and he said he had a surprise for me. My mother insisted that I let him inside and give him a second chance so I did. He came in and laid out my gift on the table. My eyes bucked when I realized that my gift was a little baby. I asked Richard about it and he said that it was his son from a girl he had met. The mother had died in labor. The doctor's said Rocky had 3 seconds before he would have been dead too but his mother squeezed him out just in time, you see. So, Richard thought we'd name him after what he was and still is...a fighter. So after Richard had brought me my very own new baby of only 3 days we got back together. We both got jobs in the city and moved into our home where we raised Rocky. But, after a while he started to get really lonely. So I adopted Grace and Rueben and they have been our three ever since. So, you see, I don't have any children of my own and Rocky is not related to Grace nor Rueben.''

I nodded. ''that does sound complicated,'' I said. G Summers nodded.

''yes. It is. Grace has a strong attatchment with her family and wants to get to know them. But, she feels I am holding her back so she's always had this grudge on me. She's always been the snottiest most obnoxious child. Rueben has always been pretty good but he gets jealous of happy families at times and wonders what he and Grace's family is like.''

''thats sad,''

''it sure is,'' G Summers concluded pulling into the attorny's building. I sighed as we got out and walked in. Got into the elevator. It seemed like slow motion as she reached for the floor number. Pressed the button and it lit up. My heart raced and everything was in slow motion as I awaited news about my father's murder. Murder... Caruso waited patiently for us at his office. When the elevator opened and he saw us he smiled slightly.

''why hello ladies,'' he said. G Summer's smiled and seemingly lit up.

''Hello Mr. Cresalld,'' she said half-blushing. We walked into his office and sat down. He ran over to the other side of his desk and started fiddling with some papers.

''McFlan....I mean....'' He cleared his throat, ''Mick, I wanted you here today because I wanted to give you a little background information on your father and his parents. Your father's parents are...Bill and Lillyana Himmerson from the hit tv show Red Bow's and Christmas lights.''

''what?" G Summers exclaimed. ''Mick, your grandparents are famous billionaires.''

I nodded, more in shock than delighted.

''your grandparents not only raked in money from the show, but they also have their on Christmas album out called Red Bow's and Christmas Lights. The album shoots to the top every December.'' Caruso assured me.

''so...who are my grandparents in Mexico?'' I asked.

''Gretchen and George are your mother's parents. Your father's parents live about three hours from here and I was wanting to take you to visit them whenever you'd like. Just give me a call,'' Caruso said. ''now thats it for today because the detectives need to speak with you. They have a lead on the case''

I sneezed and sucked the snot back up. Caruso rushed to hand me a tissue. I blew my nose and thanked him. We then left the attorny's office and made our way out to the detectives.

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