6- to see the world threw a big window

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what happens to Mick? (this chapter reveals)

who killed Dan (we're getting closer....and closer....and closer...to the truth) 

Pic of bedroom on side.......>

story will reveal wat bedroom tht is.......

              The door opened slightly. Someone poked their head in and then once the person must have saw me hanging from the ceiling he ran in. I didnt know who it was. I just held on by my neck on the rope. Starting to slowly fade away.

''help!!" he exclaimed. "help!!!" he yelled again pulling a razor out of his pocket.

He jumped up on the bed to reach the rope and then started to frantically saw the rope. I kicked him trying to get him to leave me be.

''let me die..." I choked out halfway in tears. He started to hypervinalate as he frantically sawed and sawed. I felt the rope getting loser and loser. I kicked him again but it didnt seem to phase him.

''help!'' he yelled louder now. Making my ears ring. Just then Rocky tumbled into the room buckling up his belt, buck eyed. The blond followed after him closely like a cat. When she saw me she gasped and burst into tears. She hugged herself and slid down the wall and onto the floor. Crying and breathing heavily. Grace and Rueben then ran down the stairs and stared into the room. Their big owl eyes examining the suicide attempt. Grace looked away as quick as she'd looked. She kicked the nearest wall and started to cry. Rueben held his stomach and turned away to confide in his sister. Rocky wrapped both arms around my leggs as the man sawed at the rope. Sweat running down his face. Finally the rope loosened completely and I fell down into Rocky's arms. Weak, light-headed, and depressed I fainted...right in his arms...                *************************************************  

    I woke up in a cold dark room. Covers pulled up to my chest. Beeping noises coming from machines strapped to me. When I awoken there was an officer in the room, standing by the door. He walked over to me and looked at the machines. Checked my pulse and examined me carefully. ''why are you here?'' I whispered. Barely able to get the words out due to the scratchy ruined neck of mine.

His eyes began to sadden and he seemed to get a little agitated. He tucked his hands into his pocket and whispered,

''to make sure that when you awoken...you didnt try...try again.'' I nodded as if satisfied as I sat back in my bed. He walked out quietly and as soon as he'd gone a crowd of people filed in. G Summers, her children, and the man who had saved my life. G Summers flicked the light on and then slowly walked over to me. Grace, Rocky, and Rueben slowly found seats to occupy. The man came close, slowly behind G Summers.

''who are you?'' I whispered raspily to him.

''Richard. Richard Summers.'' he said at a distance. Shying away as if he were afraid of me. But who wouldnt be afraid? I am a monster. A ruthless blood-sucking, suicidal, murderer. Aren't I?

''Mick, this is my husband.'' G Summers said. I nodded and sipped some of my water. G Summers sat at the chair next to me. ''Mick, some changes are going to have to be made when we all get back home. You will be sharing rooms with Grace. It is for your own good. And you haven't ate since the day you came here so you will have to eat 3 meals a day if not more. The doctors found what the poison in your system was and they have an adhesive. They shot you while you were asleep a few hours ago. You will have to use a needle and insert the medicine three times a day after every meal perferably. But because of this incident....either me or Richard will have to do it for you. We will be putting camera's up in the house to keep you on surviellence at all times. The camera's are very well hidden and an alarm will sound if one of them is tampered with. Richard also got an alarm for your room and we have to keep certain objects away from you as you may have suspected. You and I will still have our therapy sessions but instead of Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be having them Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You will be released and brought home tommorrow morning as early as possible.'' I cleared my aching throat as I rolled over in bed. Opposite of G Summers. ******************************************************  

               Morning came and I was released and taken back to the Summers's home. It had been cleaned from roof to ceiling and slightly remodeled. I had a bandage around my neck. There was a long line of scarring that went from ear to ear. Had gone from red to purple and is very painful. I have pain killers for them but of course those can only be provided and handled by either G Summers or Richard. Richard and Rueben came to get me from the hospital while G Summers and Grace waited at home. Rocky must have been gone because he wasnt in sight nor could I hear him once I had gotten to the house.

''Grace honey, could you show Mick up to yalls room please?'' G Summers insisted. Grace nodded and then walked over to me. She examined me a while and then said, '

''umm...this way,'' as she trotted up the stairs. The pain in my neck jolted down my back and my whole body ached. I tried to move at her pase but it was hard. Once I had gotten to the top of the stairs I noticed that she had been waiting patiently. We moved on, turning right at the stairway and entering a giant room. The walls were white and tall. Almost like a palace. A glass chandeilier hung from the ceiling. Reflecting beautifully off of the shining sunlight coming from the huge window that covered an entire wall. There were two huge princess beds that sat parallel each other. A small dresser sat in between them with some decorative things above that I didnt know about. The floor was wood but most of it was covered up with a beautiful white and pink rug. There was a walk in closet with glass doors opposite the beds.

''this room is beautiful,'' I whispered.

Grace nodded. ''Took my dad and Rocky forever to do the hard parts such as making and building the bed exactly like mine. Then mom and I did the last minute decorating and cleaning. The bigger bed is mine. We couldnt find a big one like mine at the store so yours had to be smaller. The dresser is small but...it was originally just for me so a lot of your stuff will have to be stored on your half of the closet or in boxes. You have the bed next to the window so you have nothing to complain about. Most of your stuff from downstairs is here in the hall. Feel free to put your stuff up i'm hungry and about to eat.''

Grace said running out and thumping down the stairway. I looked over the room once more. Amazed and highly satisfied. I got as many of my things as I could put up into the room and then I went over to the window. Pressed my hand against it and let the coldness of it chill me and cool me off. I stared out into the neighborhood as people peacefully carried out their business. I hadnt realized how big this house actually is until now. Maybe this is all I needed. All I ever wanted. A clear, big, true veiw of the world. I rested my hands against the window and leaned on it. Letting my cheek get cold. Although my whole body ached I didnt mind it now. I closed my eyes and pictured a paradise. A paradise that could be mine. I breathed in deep and smiled. Held my breath a moment and then opened my eyes. Looked out the window once more and then plopped down onto my new bed.

''I miss you father,'' I whispered into the empty thin air. ''and I love you. I tried to get up there to see you but obviously it wasnt Gods will that I see you now. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way. Tell mom....'' I choked back the tears. ''tell mom hello for me and that I miss her. I love her. And tell her i'm sorry for taking her away from this beautiful world so soon. You will be proud of me one day though father. One day...when I find out who did this to you.'' I concluded.

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