3- what nobody wants

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Here is chapter THREE my friends. I hope you enjoy it. Everybody hates those silent readers so give me feedback. opinion's, suggestions, spelling errors...etc...whatever tickles your toes. thanks for reading and don't forget to vote! xoxoxo. bye!

Mick on side....................>

Just as G Summers had said...I was released the next evening. But...I wasn't released and taken home. Taken home to my mother....where she could hold me in her arms and sing those perfect songs. Those perfect songs that were embeded on my heart. Taken home to my father where he would play with my hair and kiss my mother's lips tenderly. Instead I was taken to a home full of strangers. Under the protection of a stranger. Cold mornings and a thick atmosphere. Wavering stars and a dull moon. Vampire nights and broken dreams. Pain...emptiness....abandonment. I'm alone. Thats all teenagers want right? Privacy? To be left alone...? Not this teenager. No...not me...


''I live in the Tred Hill neighborhood. Its kinda like a small town. A little click. The community high school is around the corner, thats where my daughter goes. I have three children. Two boys and a girl. I have two dogs and a cat. We're thinking about getting rid of the cat though. Your cat was taken by your attorny and given to the local pet shelter. They will take good care of him. We may send our cat there soon. Our home is originally a three bedroom but my husband built three extra bedrooms downstairs so you have plently of your own space. My husband works a lot and he goes on a lot of work related trips so you may not see him that often. My daughter is 14. She's your age, her name is Grace. My son Rocky is 16. And my youngest son Rueben is 11.'' G Summers said as we trodded along in the car, heading to her home. I don't think she expected me to respond because she continued...

''Our two dogs are Cortez and Crimson. Their boxers and their quite small for their age but thats what I love about them. Crimson is my dog, but Cortez is originally my husbands dog but he's kinda like the family dog now that my husband isnt home much. But, anywayz, I hope you will enjoy your stay here with the family. I have very nice children and...anything you want...anything you just ask. Your attorny is a very nice man as well. If there is anything you need that I can't provide..he will surely be at your service.''

I nodded. Trying not to seem too unappriciative.


When we arrived at the house, G Summers pulled into the garage like my father used too. I tried not to cry as I slowly manuevered, grabbing as much of my luggage as I could. When G Summers saw me she ran over,

''oh no no! My sons will come out to carry your things in later. Just come on in and meet them, get comfortable and we will get your things later hon.''

''oh kay,'' I was able to mutter out as she grabbed my arm and walked with me slowly up to the house. She unlocked and we went inside together. The smell of pancakes greeted me. A loud banging in the distance and the soft hushed tone of music playing, seemed to be coming from the upstairs. G Summers kicked a soccer ball into a farther room. Clothes and junk were everywhere.

''I thought I told you all to clean this house!!'' G Summers yelled loudly into the vacant air. The music stopped and so did the banging. Soon, a young boy came from the upstiars, clutching a bag in his hand.

''mom, I was doing homework...sorry...I...''

''where's everyone else?'' G Summers asked.

The boy looked me up and down and grinned. And then he said,

''Grace brace face is in her room on the phone, listening to music. Rocky Baboa is making dinner.'' the boy said.

''oh kay, well, go into the living room and have a seat. Stay there for a while, your homework has to wait. I'll be there in a moment to introduce our guess,'' G Summers said.

The boy nodded after throwing his bag down. He slid down the rail of the stairway and landed on his feet. He did a 180 before running into a farther room. I stood by the door, cold and musty. Ready to jump into the shower and then curl up in my nice bed with my nice stuffed animal. Maybe even curl up with that stupid cat that I miss so much. Run my fingers threw Moose face's fur, I don't care!! Something!! Something familiar.

''Rocky and Grace, come down here,'' G Summers demanded. First came the girl, and then, out of nowehere a shadow. A shadow so familair....



''wait....who are you?'' the girl asked looking at me and then at her brother.

''you know each other?'' G Summers asked looking at me and then at Rocky.

''yea...this is McFlan...I did some handy jobs for her dad.''

I swalloed hard. G Summers looked at me and put her head down.

''ummm...why don't we all have a seat in the living room. We have to have a family meeting.''

Grace gave Rocky a look before coming down the rest of the stairs and following their mother into the living room where the little boy sat, waiting. G Summers told me to have a seat on the reliner while everyone else occupied the couch.

''everyone...or....Grace and Rueben....'' G Summers said giving Rocky a look ''....this is McFlan Corse. She will be coming to live with us for a little while until her grandparents get back from Mexico.''

''so...your telling me that you picked up some stray to come stay with us because her granny is in Mexico? I mean...what the hell?'' the girl said.

It would seem that her words hurt me but they didnt. They were expected. Instead of feeling anger and hurt inside...a felt more of a calm come over me. I know whats going on and what to expect. Lets just hope hell is not as bad as some claim it is.

''Grace..'' G Summers started before Rocky interuppted her saying,

''why don't you stay home with your dad?''

''why does she have to live with us?'' the little boy asked.

''Who...'' the girl started before G Summers yelled,

''everyone shut up! Shut up! Let me speak.''

''mom I don't want...''

''nobody wants!'' I exclaimed. ''you don't want me living with you. Nobody wants me. Go ask my dead parents about it you peice of shit!''

Rocky gasped. He put his hand over his mouth and whispered something to himself. The girl couldnt look up at me. Instead she buried herself into a hug. The little boy's eyes were bucked as he stared at his sister.

Well guys...I thought I didnt care. I thought I could handle myself. But obviously...certain things get to me. She pushed the wrong button. I decided I didnt want to stare at the three mischivious ones anymore. I kicked the table before squealing and exiting the room. I opened the door and ran outside. I ran to the car and sat down next to it. Leaned my back against the side door and curled up. Soon after Rocky and G Summers came running out of the house together. I heard Rocky whisper,

''its oh kay mom. Let me handle this,''

G Summers must have agreed on it because I heard the creeking of the door and then a faint pushing sound as she slammed it behind her.

''Mick?'' Rocky called. ''Mick?'' he called again. When he saw me sitting next to the car, he sat down next to me. Leaning his back against the car he said,

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