16- hypnotizing

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Welcome home doll,''

I smiled. Feeling comfortable already. My filthy rich grandparents gave me a weird feeling of welcoming and happiness that the Summers' werent able to provide. They hadnt even come close to giving me this kind of feeling. I just wanted to kick back, drink some orange juice, and click on some cartoons. Curl up on my grandma's lap and watch grandpa doze off all day. The new life feels as if its going to be perfect. The only thing is...I don't have these grandparents to myself. Their's also Grace, Rocky, and those other kids around to steal their love and time. I know I won't be as spolied as I want. But...i'm sure, i'll come very very close.

''thanks Grandaddy.'' I said smiling like a child. I looked over at the other kids who still werent happy but their blank expressions didnt phase me. I felt real joy. 

''oh isnt she a doll. I just...''

''where's the bathroom?'' Grace asked cutting my grandpa off.

I frowned inside wanting to slap her across her face for even slicing in the middle of his sentence. I watched her angrily as she took instructions from Grammy.

''whats that you were saying grandaddy?" I asked,

He smiled,

''oh I was just tellin' your grammy how excited I am to have you here. Nice to have your friends too. Y'all make y'all selves comfortable. I'll place your things in your rooms.'' Grandad said carrying a few suite cases at a time.

''Darling come,'' Grammy said to the girl against the wall. The girl slowly peeled herself off and walked over. I couldnt tell at all what she was thinking. Does she hate me? Is she shy? Is she happy I'm here?

''doll...'' Grammy started taking the girls hand. She smiled and continued on, ''...this is Sinny. She takes care of our horses and she cleans the barn and shack for us. She's like a daughter of mine,'' Grammy said doing that chuckle that I adored.

Sinny turned her head sideways looking at me. She bucked her eyes and stared into mine. She had this devil look to her that was creepy and awesome. Her jaw dropped flashing her teeth. She started to move her head slowly from side to side. Side to side. Side to side....and then she burst into laughter.

After a minute everyone eventually burst into laughter. I took a moment to gather myself and try to figure out what happened.

''she just hypnotized you!'' the other boy said, laughing hysterically. Even Rocky was laughing so i'm sure I looked stupid doing everything she did. It was fun while it lasted, while I didnt know what I was doing, innocent to her tactics. But, afterward I felt like a dork and am a bit angry with myself for falling into the trap.

''sorry I had to do that,'' Sinny said. I caught her accent right off. When she said "do" it was a deep sound from the throat and when she said "that" it sounded more like "thet". I grinned,

''its okay,'' I said.

''Sinny is the hypnotize master. It gets freakin annoying because she can do it to you anytime she wants and you have no control. I hate her for it,'' the boy said. I loved hearing him talk. He had the most adorable, soft, country voice. The way his lips moved were...awkward and also a bit hypnotizing.. Everytime he talked he kept my attention. He also had the cutest cold black hair. Spiked in front neatly. I wanted to run my fingers threw it and kiss him so bad. The more I looked at him the more I realized I like him loads more than Rocky. But, I knew I'd never have a chance.

''sorry I didnt introduce myself,'' he said walking over. I tensed up. Hormones kicked in and I turned cherry red. He was so attractive that having him so close scared the crap out of me. Outside I hadnt looked at him much and the way he talked and manuevered made him all the more admiring. I stared at him, my mouth open, nothing coming out. My mind screaming at me. Hormones screaming at me. I don't know if this is what you call love at first sight but the moment he opened his mouth and looked into my eyes he changed my world. He started to speak but I heard nothing. I watched his lips move, everything seeming to go in slow motion. I was hoping he was saying "how about me and you hook up?! Like...now!" But they werent. When Rocky snapped me back to reality he was looking at me weird and Sinny's smile was fading. She eventually said,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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