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Rocky on side...........................................................>

The next day Richard was home. He and G Summers made breakfast together downstairs. I could hear them talking from the vent on the floor next to my bed. Grace was up as I'd suspected. She had music in her ear and she was drawing in a sketch book. Lost in her own world. I crawled out of bed and pulled the curtains open. The sun shun threw the room, beaming on my still tired body. I strecthed and stared out the window. Smiled at the busy people on a hot Monday morning. I looked back at Grace who had shyed away from the bright sunlight.  

''why did you open the curtains? Its only like 8:00 o'clock!'' she exclaimed.  

''why the did you leave me at the beach alone?" I asked. 

She chuckled and then shrugged her shoulders bashfully.

  ''ohhh...about that....'' she started.  

''save it. I know you don't like me and you never will. But, I wasnt born to have Grace Summers like me. you're so nasty with a bad attitude! How the hell did you get the name Grace? Your so far from graceful!" I said angrily.  

She smiled.

  ''I appreciate your defense,'' she said throwing a pillow at me. It was so quick that I hadnt saw it coming. It slammed against my head and I fell over and onto the ground.  

She laughed hysterically, rolling over in her bed. Angrily I jumped up from the floor and charged at her. I pushed her off the bed and watched as she slammed to the hard ground.  

''bite the dust!" I exclaimed. She got up and rammed my legs. Pulled my hair and...the fight was on. I must have blacked out as I punched her again and again in her stomach. Gave her a nice fat black eye and when I was ready to pull hair the door swung open. And there stood Rocky.

  ''stop!'' he exclaimed. ''hey!!! Fight in Grace's room!" he yelled down the stairs. He ran over and tried prying me off of her. She yelped as I got one last kick in her jaw. Rocky threw me onto the bed and then pinned Grace against the wall. Richard and G Summer's arrived just in time.  

''what going on?" Richard exclaimed.  

''these two maniacs were fighting!" Rocky told his father impatiently.  

Richard sighed, ''Grace, get downstairs now!" he demanded. Grace angrily and near to tears pushed Rocky off of her and free'd herself from his grip. She punched the door before exiting the room. Before she got all the way downstairs I heard her yell aloud,  


''Mick, you get downstairs also! I will deal with the two of you in a minute!'' Richard said. I smirked as I slowly walked past the adults and Rocky. I walked down the cold stairs and waited for them to come down.  

''go sit at the table,'' G Summers told me and Grace. We sat as far away from each other as we could. G Summers plopped our breakfast in front of us. Maple oatmeal with fruit inside, a side of bacon, and some orange juice. G Summers crossed her arms, and, exhausted leaned against the rail of the doorway. Richard came and sat between us.

  ''what happened?" he asked. Grace pushed her breakfast from in front of her.

  ''that pyscho hit me first!" she exclaimed.

  ''no i didnt!!" I yelled defensively.

  ''would you two stop acting like children??'' Richard yelled turning red.  

''your daughter threw a pillow at me and made me fall to the ground. So I pushed her off of her bed and we started fighting! But, she also left me at the beach yesterday. I know she doesnt like me and she's made it known! I'm tired of the way she treats me and I just wanna go home!" I screamed choking back tears. ''I'm tired of all this and I wanna go home!"  

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