5- stop! thats not true?!

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This one is pretty intense. It was fun to write though. Don't cry!! haha. more to come. Plz mke sure u've read all of the chapters before you move on. Plz vote and comment!! *HUGGS and Kisssssies* thanks! bye ^.^

First I would like to ask you...when was the last time you saw your father?''

''Can you please just call him Dan,''

Caruso nodded. ''sure thing McFlan...''

''can you please just call me Mick,''

Caruso nodded. ''Sure thing Mick...'' he cleared his throat. ''can you please tell me what you remember?''

''well...it was the day that I had just met Gabrielle Summers. She was my new therapist and we had our first class. Afterwards...my father came to pick me up as usual. Everything seemed fine. And then when we got home he told me to get out and then he left. Thats all I remember,''

''was he acting funny or anything that day?''

''No! No! He was just fine. I thought everything was fine until he told me to get out and he left.'' I said choking back the tears.

''thank you Mick. You are doing well. Now...I have in my records that you had met Gabrielle Summers for your first day of therapy on a Tuesday. We didnt find Dan until Thursday. Was he home between then and then...possibly...have left again?''

''No,'' I said letting the tears flow steadily down my face. ''He didnt come home Wednesday and I was really worried about him. And then Thursday morning I had got up to get ready for therapy thinking he'd be home to take me and everything would go back to normal but...''

I sniffled and wiped my face.

''....but he didnt come home,'' I squealed.

Caruso handed me a box of Kleenex.

''thank you Mick. You're doing well. I have some news and I want to tell you this so you know that i'm not holding anything back from you. Its bad news, i'm so sorry, but..its important.''

I nodded as if saying "i'm ready,"

Caruso nodded and then said,

''Mick...when the cops went to the scene of the car wreck they figured something was wrong. So, they called FBI agents and the agents have a theory.''

''umm hmm....''

''they think that....your father was murdered.''

''what?'' I squealed blowing my nose.

''They think that the car wreck wasnt an accident but that someone killed Dan. The FBI agents are going to occassionaly need you to help with the case. They're going to need to ask you questions and so on. This bad news is too much for today so tomorrow you will meet the FBI agents that are investigating Dan's murder and they will need you to give as much support as you possibly can...''

''support?'' I stammered out broken hearted. ''how can I support them? I don't know what happened!! I wasnt even there! I don't know...''

''Mick...please calm down. We know that your amount of help will be limited but a little can go a long way.''

I nodded and blew my nose again.

''thank you so much for coming in today Mick. You did a great job. Call me anytime. Anytime Mick! I'll see you tommorrow?!''

''oh kay,'' I said getting up.

Caruso opened the door for me. G Summers stood by the elevator. She came over to me after Caruso had opened up and we went into the elevator together. I waved him goodbye and down the elevator shot. Bringing us back to the car. I felt horrible inside. I felt like...giving up....

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