12-the waves, wind, and sky

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chapter 12! excitement! this is Rocky's and Mick's beach day....

Rueben on side.........................................> 

            The time had to eventually come. An over-excited Rueben jumped into the front seat. I opened the door and then slid into the back. Rocky finished loading the surf boards and then aboarded the drivers seat.

''buckle up buddy. Here we go,'' he told Rueben as he started the car and then buckled his seat belt.

He looked back at me and smiled and then started to drive off. The ride to the beach seemed to take forever. Rueben had taken the initiative to turn on some music. He reached into the glove department and got out a Taylor Swift cd. He popped it in and turned it up really loud. I sighed as I tried to tune it out. But we eventually arrived. Rueben jumped out before Rocky and I could even get our belts unbuckled. He ran in and immediately pounced in the sand. Got his self covered from head to toe. I carefully watched as he did so, while Rocky pulled the "toys" from in back. There werent as many people here as before so it was not so hard to find a nice comfortable place. Rocky stuck the umberella into the sand and set up two lawn chairs. He ruffled his hair and was about to sit down when Rueben ran over.

''I want to swim now Rocky! I want to swim!!" he whined.

Rocky looked at me and then to Rueben. ''okay buddy,'' he said.

I got up and followed the both of them down to the water.

''do you swim?" Rocky asked me as we walked. Rueben running ahead anxiously.

''I guess. Not often, though,'' I said.

''what about surfing?"

''never would take a chance in my life,''

Rocky laughed. ''why not?? Surfing is freedom! Its pretty easy once you know how and when the waves, wind, and sky is just right you have yourself a perfect moment.'' Rocky said.

I laughed, ''wow, i'd like to experience that. But, i'm afraid and it seems hard,'' I said.

Rocky reached down and grabbed a handful of sand. He lifted it up high and released it. The wind blew it and he watched as it flew away. ''the wind is blowing west now. The summer sun will be gone an approximately 38 minutes. The waves look right. What do you say I give you a little surfing lesson,'' he said.

''what? No way! I'd probably be all clumpsy and retarded. Hit you in the face and have you drowning in the deep blue,'' I said.

Rocky chuckled. ''you know....'' he started to walk backwards now in order to face me as we walked and talked. ''I used to be a lifeguard for like 3 years at the Y. You think I can't swim? Better yet, you think I can't teach?" I sighed.

I couldnt resist his charm. He smiled and I melted.

''well, I guess i'll give this thing a try.''

He chuckled.

''well alright then, watch my brother while I get the surf boards. He can surf with us!"Rocky said running back now to grab the boards. I scooped Rueben up and threw him into the water. All of the sand on him washed off. He laughed as I pulled him up for air. I dunked him once more, slamming the myriads of crystal clear diamonds against his body. He grabbed a sea shell and kicked it at me.

''no way kid!" I said laughing and carrying him through the water with me again. Just then a stray dog ran over to us and rammed us. We fell into the water, at first shocked and then after coming back out, amused. The dog barked and splashed around with us.  I dunked Rueben but the dog didnt let me get away with it. He rammed me, forcing me to dive into the water. I then got back up and shook my hair out. Soon, the owner of the strange dog came to claim him. He laughed at a soaking wet Rueben and I as we stood there smiling.

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