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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

I stared at Caroline and her soon to be boyfriend.

I am so bored... not really.

I had just dropped Caroline off at the cafe, and they decided to get a drink of coffee here. Me being me, I decided to mess with her by staying in the cafe, acting like a regular civilian when in reality, I was keeping an eye on Caroline.

Talk about boring, even if I was thoroughly enjoying this.

From here, I was able to observe every little thing about this new guy and Caroline, and I had to say, these two were quite the opposite.

Whereas Caroline was five feet nine with gorgeous flaming red hair that fell in waves to her rear end, the man had short brown hair that was swept to the side.

Caroline had green eyes while whatever-his-name-was—I think it was Nader—had dark brown eyes, almost the colour of black. Her skin was white and extremely pale, while his was dark and tanned.

If I was right, this man was Indian. But I think he either was born or had immigrated here when he was young from the way he talks.

They were two totally different people, but they seemed to click. I guess opposites do attract, don't they.

I sighed, swirling my iced coffee around in my cup.

I wish I had a love life. Caroline had a boyfriend before, but it was short-lived after he cheated on her with her best friend not even two weeks into the relationship.

I never had a boyfriend, and I doubt I'll get one any time soon. From the way my brothers scare off any guy that even dares to look in my direction, I'm afraid I'm going to be single for the rest of my life.

I'm going to be so lonely. Maybe I could ask Alicia for help? Or Elena? No, Elena could never control Salvatore or the rest of my brothers, neither could Alicia though Alicia is able to influence his decisions.

Who is able to control... Ace!

Yeah, no.

I'd rather die a torturous death than ask Ace to help me stop my brothers preventing me from getting a boyfriend.

Hmm, maybe Samantha?

But will Samantha help me, is really the question. She technically is my sister, and I don't thin-

Fuck. I'm literally seventeen, and I still act like I'm thirteen.

Why do I need their permission to get a boyfriend?

No, I don't need their permission, I just want it.

From the corner of my eye, I see Nader stand up, allowing me to get a full view of his height.

This guy was feet feet eleven? More or less, and was pretty skinny. At least, compared to my brothers he does look quite thin. However, he does seem to look like he works out on a regular basis from the way his arms flex whenever he grips the coffee cup, showing off his well-defined muscles. Even if it looks like nothing, if I were to compare them with Salvatore.

No worries though, everyone who stands next to Salvatore would look like a twig, even if they do train and workout on a regular basis. It was probably just the Russo genetics that made them look so buff.

Forever the gentleman, Nader helped Caroline out of her seat, only making me more jealous of her.

And if they were to get together... Fuck my life.


"He was amazing!" Caroline gushed, her cheeks pink. "And he was so nice! He's only older than me by a few months, but I think we'll be fine. What do you think?"

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